[有PA時數]暑期游泳班Summer swimming classes




課程 日期 堂數 時間 課程內容 名額 時數 報名
游泳基礎班 5/7, 12/7, 19/7, 26/7
15:30- 17:00 教授自由泳及蛙泳基本技巧,適合初學者 20 6 PA 按此
游泳改良班 3/7,10/7,17/7,24/7
4 15:30- 17:00 需懂得基本泳式,課堂中會協助學員改善動作 20 6 PA


  1. 各班名額有限,先到先得,額滿即止。
  2. 課程將於李兆基綜合大樓室內游泳池上課。
  3. 每班須達至名額一半才開班。
  4. 同學須出席八成或以上才可獲得有關出席之時數;如出席少於八成,學生不會獲得任何時數,並於本學年內再報體育部任何課程或活動會受限制。
  5. 學員必須穿著合適的泳裝上課。

如有查詢,請與Ms Lo聯絡,3963 5236/yhlo@hsu.edu.hk (或服務熱線: 3963 5366)

Summer swimming classes have been organized by SAO PE Unit. Those who fail to attend the class after successful registration will be limited to enrol for other PE activities in this academic year. Please check the result via e-registration.


Class Date Lesson Time Quota Hour Registration
Swimming Beginner Class 5/7, 12/7, 19/7, 26/7
15:30- 17:00 20 6 PA Click HERE
Stroke Refinement Class 3/7,10/7,17/7,24/7
4 15:30- 17:00 20 6 PA


  1. Quota is limited and registration will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis.
  2. The class will be held at indoor swimming pool,G/F Lee Shau Kee Complex.
  3. SAO PE Unit reserves the right to cancel course/activity due to insufficient enrolment.
  4. Students should get at least 80% attendance in order to get PA or ECA hours. Otherwise, no hour will be recorded and student will be limited to enrol for other PE activities in this academic year.
  5. Swimsuit is needed.

For enquiries, please email yhlo@hsu.edu.hk or call 3963 5366.