Personal Development Workshops

Personal Development Workshops

The signature workshops organized by Personal Growth and Counseling Service includes:


1. Mental Health First Aid Certificate Course (MHFA) – 6 classes per year


  • “Mental Health First Aid” is one of the popular and recognized courses in Hong Kong universities, eg, HKU, UST, CityU, PolyU, HKBU, CUHK.
  • 精神健康急救是其中一個受香港特別行政區的大學(例如: 香港大學、科技大學、城市大學、理工大學、浸會大學、中文大學) 所歡迎的認可課程。
  • It can raise the participants’ awareness of mental health. Knowing how to stay psychologically healthy and dealing with daily stress can help the participants enjoy their life and maintaining good interpersonal relationships.
  • 課程能提高參加者對精神健康的關注。認識如何保持身心健康和應對日常生活中的壓力,有助我們享受生活和維繫良好人際關係。
  • Participants can learn basic knowledge of identifying and skills of intervening people with common emotional disorders and mental illness, as well as how to make referral to appropriate professional resources.
  • 參加者可以學到辨識常見的情緒病和精神病及有關的助人介入方法,同時亦知道可如何轉介有需要的人士到合適的專業服務尋求協助。
  • Those who complete the course will be issued “Mental Health First Aid Foundation Course Certificate”. This is the certificate in Hong Kong acknowledged by ORYGEN Research Center of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Melbourne.
  • 凡完成課程的參加者,均可獲發一份認可的”精神健康急救”的證書,此證書由澳洲大學

2. Personality Dimension Workshop (PDs) – 4 Classes per year

  • Personality Dimension is an interactive personality tool for self-understanding and enhancing their communication skills.  It is a good program for participants to have intra-personal and interpersonal growth for enhancing their problem-solving skills, managing conflicts and improving their social skills.
  • 性格透視是用於自我理解和學習溝通技巧的互動式性格工具。 有助參加者通過內省和人際成長,提升解決問題、處理衝突、和社交的能力。
  • The overall program design and group activities will highly demonstrate how to address different needs and characteristics of people with various temperaments in term of the process of the team dynamic.
  • 工作坊的總體設計和小組活動是藉團隊動態的過程去展示如何應對具有各種性情的人的不同需求和特徵。