畢業要求 Graduation Requirements

學術畢業要求 Academic Graduation Requirements


To graduate, students are required to obtain the required number of credits according to the curriculum structure of their respective programmes and achieve cGPA 2.0 or above within the normative/maximum period of study.
There may be other programme-specific graduation requirements and please refer to the curriculum structure of respective programmes for details

 Please refer to the Registry website for details of Graduation Requirements.


大學畢業要求 University Graduation Requirements


  1. 語文水平要求
    • a) 英語水平(於IELTS (Academic) Test中取得6.0分或以上)(英國語文(榮譽)學士及商務翻譯(榮譽)學士學生需取得6.5分或以上);
    • b) 普通話水平(於普通話水平測試中取得三級乙等或以上或相等於中國國家語言文字工作委員會其他認可普通話水平測試)(中文(榮譽)文學士學生需取得三級甲等或以上);
  2. 取得資訊科技能力測驗合格(詳情請參閱資訊科技學習中心網頁之相關資訊);及
  3. 完成特定的非學術畢業要求

a)iGPS Unit

University Graduation Requirements included the followings:

  1. Language competency exit requirements (refer to the Academic Regulations for details);
  2. Information Technology Proficiency Requirement (refer to IT Learning Centre website for details); and
  3. Co-curricular Participation:
    a) iGPS Units
    b) College Assembly 

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