VolTrekkers Service-learning Training Scheme 2020-2021​

VolTrekkers Service-learning Training Scheme 2020-2021

由香港順龍仁澤基金會贊助「順龍仁澤學義同行服務學習培訓計劃2020-2021」 於7月3日正式展開!

今年以「跨代 跨文化 樂齡服務」為主題。「跨代」指讓青年參與長者服務,促進兩代人溝通,「跨文化」指青年來自不同文化背景。除恒大同學外,15位少數族裔中學生亦參與其中,彼此了解,建立共融社會。

即使在疫情影響下未能參與海外服務,13位恒大同學經過數月訓練,於學生事務處協助下,仍著手籌備10個精彩的本地活動,他們更與學生大使合辦首個活動—「恒大遊蹤」,為少數族裔中學生安排校園導賞,恒大少數族裔同學HUSSAIN Arooj Maroof (BBA-FB, Year 1) 更分享入讀恒大經驗。

感謝WEDO GLOBAL為計劃招募來自不同中學的少數族裔青年,將會聯同恒大同學於7月為旺角街坊會陳慶社會服務中心的長者舉辦多個有趣活動,一齊學義同行!

VolTrekkers Service-learning Training Scheme 2020-2021 sponsored by the Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation Limited was launched on 3 July 2021!

With the theme of “Intergenerational and Intercultural Elderly Services”, this service-learning programme aims at enhancing communication and mutual understanding between the elderly, HSUHK students and 15 ethnic minority secondary students. Ultimately, we can promote an more equal and inclusive society.

Although overseas services are temporarily suspended, 13 well-trained HSUHK students have designed 10 sessions of community services under the guidance of the Student Affairs Office. “HSUHK Campus Tour” was the kick-off event co-organized with HSUHK Student Ambassadors for ethnic minority secondary school students. Ms. HUSSAIN Arooj Maroof (BBA-FB, Year 1) also shared her learning experience and amazing university life with the participants.

Special thanks to WEDO GLOBAL for networking with the youth of different cultural background. We will work together, hand in hand, to deliver various interesting activities for the elderly of MongKok Kai-Fong Association Limited Chan Hing Social Service Centre in July 2021! Let’s serve to learn, learn to serve!