Awards and Co-curricular Achievements Transcript (ACT)

Awards and
Co-curricular Achievements Transcript

In addition to the Transcript of Studies, the University developed Awards and Co-curricular Achievements Transcript (ACT) to encourage students’ all-round development and recognize their achievements. The design of ACT will further support students to create a full record of their participation and achievement in co-curricular learning activities throughout their period of study at HSUHK, reflecting their breadth of knowledge, all-roundedness, personal effectiveness and social engagement. Achievements and activities to be recorded in the ACT will be categorized into three areas, namely

(1) Awards and Scholarships;

(2) Leadership and Service Positions; and

(3) Co-curricular Activities 

Awards and Scholarships

To showcase students’ remarkable non-academic achievements during their study at the University, scholarships and/or awards administered by the University received by students would be recorded in this section. 

Leadership and Service Positions

To advocate the importance of nurturing student leaders, and to recognize students’ commitment and contribution to the community and society, leadership and/or service positions taken up by students, with responsibility, lasting for a duration of not less than one year, would be recorded in this category. One-off leadership and/or service responsibilities would not be counted.

Co-curricular Engagement

To reflect students’ learning outcomes through participation in various co-curricular activities and major events, to reflect students’ development under the University’s iGPS “Desired Graduate Attributes” model.


Each copy of the ACT: HK$60  <Apply Now>

Remarks: a free copy of ACT will be given to each graduate during the Graduation Ceremony of the year of graduation. ACT with NO records in all categories will NOT be printed


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