Career-related information for non-local students
Career-related information for non-local students
You may be aware that, since 1 November 2023 and 1 November 2024, the HKSAR Government has temporarily exempted full-time non-local postgraduate students and full-time non-local undergraduate students respectively from the restrictions on taking up part-time jobs.
(For details, please refer to:
UG: )
Please be reminded that the terms on each student’s NOL may be different, and you would need to check the ones specified on your own NOL to learn about your eligibility of taking up employment.
Eligible non-local students (EXCLUDING exchange students) studying in a full-time locally-accredited academic programme for at least one academic year will be issued a “No Objection Letter” (NOL) which allows them to take up possible employment types with details as follows:
- must be study/curriculum-related and be arranged or endorsed by the programme offering department
- duration of study/curriculum-related internship is up to one year, or one-third of the normal duration of the relevant full-time study programme, whichever is shorter
- there is no restriction on work location, salary and working hours
Non-local students are eligible to take up part-time on-campus employment at HSUHK under HSUHK Policy as below for:
- not more than 15 hours per week (counted from Sunday to Saturday) during term-time (1 Sep – 31 May) and
- not more than 44 hours per week (counted from Sunday to Saturday) during summer months (1 Jun – 31 Aug).
Unused hours of part-time on-campus employment could not be rolled over from one week to another. (“Week” refers to a period of seven days from Sunday to Saturday.) The maximum no. of hours per week during term-time mentioned above is different from yet complies with the requirement stated in the “Immigration Policy on Study” by the Immigration Department of HKSAR Government.
- Summer employment is to be undertaken during June 1 to August 31, both dates inclusive
- there is no restriction on work location, working hours, nature of work and employers
- must be study/curriculum-related and be arranged or endorsed by the programme offering department
- duration of study/curriculum-related internship is up to one year, or one-third of the normal duration of the relevant full-time study programme, whichever is shorter
- there is no restriction on work location, salary and working hours
Non-local students are eligible to take up part-time on-campus employment at HSUHK under HSUHK Policy as below for:
- not more than 15 hours per week (counted from Sunday to Saturday) during term-time (1 Sep – 31 May) and
- not more than 44 hours per week (counted from Sunday to Saturday) during summer months (1 Jun – 31 Aug).
Unused hours of part-time on-campus employment could not be rolled over from one week to another. (“Week” refers to a period of seven days from Sunday to Saturday.) The maximum no. of hours per week during term-time mentioned above is different from yet complies with the requirement stated in the “Immigration Policy on Study” by the Immigration Department of HKSAR Government.
- Summer employment is to be undertaken during June 1 to August 31, both dates inclusive
- there is no restriction on work location, working hours, nature of work and employers

The terms on each student’s NOL may be different, and you would need to check the ones specified on your own NOL to learn about your eligibility of taking up the possible employment types mentioned above. For further details about the “Immigration Policy on Study” especially of “Employment during the Study Programme”, please visit the website of Hong Kong Immigration Department (Q20 – 40) .
Record of Employment
Record of Employment
Non-local students having taken up any of the above form of employment are required to provide details at the form <Please click HERE>. The records will be checked by the Immigration Department as considered appropriate.
FAQ on employment and internship taken up by non-local students/ graduates
If the “No Objection Letter” is lost or damaged, you should get a replacement from the Hong Kong Immigration Department.
Mainland students may request Quality Migrants and Mainland Residents Section for the issuance of a fresh NOL at no fee. Other non-local students may approach the Extension Section for the same formalities. For enquiries, please contact Hong Kong Immigration Department by email to Applicants should submit a duly completed form ID91, together with his / her travel document containing the latest arrival stamp / landing slip / extension of stay label in the HKSAR.
You need to check the terms specified on the NOL whether curriculum-related internship is allowed to be taken up during the course of study.
If your NOL does not specify your eligibility to take up an internship but you need to have an internship to fulfil your academic requirement, you would need to seek prior approval from the Hong Kong Immigration Department. You would have to submit the following documents in person to 5/F (for non-Mainland China students) or 6/F (for Mainland China students), Immigration Tower, the Hong Kong Immigration Department, Wan Chai, Hong Kong:
- the contract and relevant documents of the internship;
- a supporting letter from your Faculty confirming that the internship is study-related (only internship related to your current study in HSUHK will be considered).
For details of the application procedure, please contact the Hong Kong Immigration Department directly. Enquiry telephone number: (852) 2824 6111. Email: Address: Immigration Department Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Interested students should refer to information under “Q.40, Employment after the completion of studies” of the webpage of the Hong Kong Immigration Department.
For job vacancy information, please contact the Careers Planning and Development Team (Email: or visit our webpage.
A fresh HSUHK graduate can apply for a “Letter of Certificate of Graduation” as a proof of graduation for IANG application purpose. Application should be submitted to the Registry via
FAQ on employment and internship taken up by non-local students/ graduates
If the “No Objection Letter” is lost or damaged, you should get a replacement from the Hong Kong Immigration Department.
Mainland students may request Quality Migrants and Mainland Residents Section for the issuance of a fresh NOL at no fee. Other non-local students may approach the Extension Section for the same formalities. For enquiries, please contact Hong Kong Immigration Department by email to Applicants should submit a duly completed form ID91, together with his / her travel document containing the latest arrival stamp / landing slip / extension of stay label in the HKSAR.
You need to check the terms specified on the NOL whether curriculum-related internship is allowed to be taken up during the course of study.
If your NOL does not specify your eligibility to take up an internship but you need to have an internship to fulfil your academic requirement, you would need to seek prior approval from the Hong Kong Immigration Department. You would have to submit the following documents in person to 5/F (for non-Mainland China students) or 6/F (for Mainland China students), Immigration Tower, the Hong Kong Immigration Department, Wan Chai, Hong Kong:
- the contract and relevant documents of the internship;
- a supporting letter from your Faculty confirming that the internship is study-related (only internship related to your current study in HSUHK will be considered).
For details of the application procedure, please contact the Hong Kong Immigration Department directly. Enquiry telephone number: (852) 2824 6111. Email: Address: Immigration Department Immigration Tower, 7 Gloucester Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Interested students should refer to information under “Q.40, Employment after the completion of studies” of the webpage of the Hong Kong Immigration Department.
For job vacancy information, please contact the Careers Planning and Development Team (Email: or visit our webpage.
A fresh HSUHK graduate can apply for a “Letter of Certificate of Graduation” as a proof of graduation for IANG application purpose. Application should be submitted to the Registry via
Career Planning and Development
Student Affairs Office
October 2021