Table Tennis Team

Table Tennis Team


Coach: Derek Yeung Chi Ching

Captain: Lam Yik Pui

Members: Yu Tsz Ming, Ngai Yuk Hang, Lam Yik Pui, Li Qingyang, Chiang On Ki, So Wang Nok, Chan Yuen Hei, Chow Hau Fui, Ma Pui Yi, Ng Hoi Wang, Ho Ho Fung, Lau Chun Yang, Choy Yat Ho Angus, Yip Yee Ting, Cheng Ching Hong Anson, Dong Xiuqi


Coach: Derek Yeung Chi Ching

Captain: Yim Ho Nam Ryan

Members: Chan Yuen Hei, Chiang On Ki Anna, Chow Hau Fui, Ho Man Nok, Kwan Shi San, Lam Yik Pui, Li Kai Nok, Li Qingyang, Ng Hoi Wang, Ng Lik Wang, Ngo Yi Lam, So Wang Nok, Tsang Tsz Wing, Wong Kin Ho, Yim Ho Nam Ryan, Zhu Xiaojun


Coach: Derek Yeung Chi Ching

Captain: Ho Man Nok

Members: Lee Ka Hang, Fung Chun Sum, Yu Yan Kiu, Chow Chak Pui, Tong Cheuk Yin, Kwan Shi San, Fong Chun Yan Brian, Cheng Pak Him, Lai Hoi Fung, ZHU Xiaojun, Li Kai Nok, Ngo Yi Lam, Yim Ho Nam Ryan, Lam Yik Pui, Aw Wing Sum


Coach: Derek Yeung Chi Ching

Captain: Yu Yan Kiu

Members: Ho Wing Hong, Lee Ka Hang, Wong Chak Yan, Wong Chun Yat, Fung Chun Sum, Chow Chak Pui, Lee Lok Fung, Tong Cheuk Yin, Liu Yuen Yee, Ho Man Nok, Leung Chi Wai, Chang Wan Pui, Fong Chun Yan, Cheng Pak Him, Yu Wai Lam


Coach: Derek YEUNG Chi Ching

Captain: Wong Chun Yat

Members: Chan Tsz Kwan, Ng Sin Yi, Chan Long Hay, Chan Hin Sing, Cheung Tsz Ying, Ho Wing Hong, Lee Ka Hang, Wong Chun Yat, Fung Chun Sum, Yu Yan Kiu, Chow Chak Pui, Lee Lok Fung, Tong Cheuk Yin, Liu Yuen Yee, Ho Man Nok



Coach: Derek YEUNG Chi Ching

Captain: CHAN Hin Sing, Ng Sin Yi

Members: CHAN Long Hay, CHEUNG Tsz Ying, FUNG Chun Sum, HO Wing Hong, HUI Tsz Yan, LAI Tsz Kei, LEE Ka Hang, WONG Chun Yat, YU Yan Kiu


Coach: Derek YEUNG Chi Ching

Captain: LIP Chun Wing

Members: CHAN Hin Sing, CHAN Long Hay, CHAN Tze Kin Henry, CHEUNG Tsz Ying, HO Wing Hong, LAI Tsz Kei, NG Sin Yi, WONG Chun Yat

HSUHK Athletic Meet

HSUHK Marathon Team


20232021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017

HSMC Sports Invitation Game 2015

HSMC Sports Invitation Game 2015

SAO-PE在七月份舉辦了首屆恒管邀請賽,我們很榮幸邀請了其他自資院校參加, 包括明德學院、香港能仁書院、香港公開大學及東華學院。透過聯校的體育運動,可將不同院校的學生聯繫在一起,分享技術、建立友誼、實踐體育精神。賽事主要分為羽毛球和籃球,在2015年7月9日至23日舉行。

在7月9日, 恒生管理學院和東華學院進行了男子及女子籃球賽。比賽中, 恒生管理學院的球員技術較成熟、默契亦較好,分別勝出兩項賽事,可見本校的球員所付出的努力及背後的高水平訓練。而客隊東華學院亦十分享受賽事及對本校設施表示欣賞。本校職員及同學亦對東華學院的團隊精神印象深刻,他們隊員準備充足,早已到場作好賽前準備, 其嚴謹的紀律及作賽表現亦備受讚賞。本校學生何朗然(男子)及胡詩雅(女子)分別獲得得分王。我們很榮幸邀請了恒生管理學院學生事務總監陳寳瑜女士,以及恒生管理學院體育及運動委員會主席陸潤棠教授來臨觀看比賽及頒獎。

羽毛球賽事分別在7月20、21及23日進行, 共有4間院校參賽 , 包括明德學院、 香港能仁書院、香港公開大學及恒生管理學院。賽事以單循環方式進行,項目分別有男子單打、 女子單打、 男子雙打和女子雙打。在整個比賽中,有不同院校的學生和職員到場觀看,有些觀眾為同學打氣, 甚至高呼喝采,當比賽完結,各院校都嬴得了美好的回憶及友誼。

最後我們邀請了能仁書院的校長黃景波教授、香港公開大學學生事務經理陳志彥先生、恒生管理學院副校長(學術及研究)許溢宏教授, 以及恒生管理學院體育及運動委員會主席陸潤棠教授協助頒獎。今次比賽的總冠軍由分別在男子單打, 女子單打和女子雙打獲嬴得3枚金牌的香港公開大學獲得, 而恒生管理學院的陳柏希,李兆豪以穩定的表現勝出男子雙打冠軍。



HSMC Sports Invitation Game 2016

HSMC Sports Invitation Game 2016

HSMC Sports Invitation Game 2016 Fixture Draw Results & Schedule

Friendly remind: Please bring your photo I.D. to check-in. Players will be disqualified without and late check-in!!!



Should Pre-No. 8 special announcement (an advance notice to the public issued by the Observatory when the tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 is expected within two hours), tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 or above or black rainstorm warning signal is in force 2 hours before the reporting time for preliminary round of the competition, all games on that day will be cancelled. The Organizer will notify the participants of the corresponding arrangement in due course.

Volleyball (8-11 Aug 2016)



男: 香港教育大學

女: 香港教育大學


男: 香港樹仁大學



男: 香港高等教育科技學院

女: 恒生管理學院

Volleyball Results

Format & Scoring:

1) Teams divided into two groups. Single round-robin system will be adopted in each group. The top two teams in each group will qualify for the final. Teams finishing at 3rd and 4th places in the groups will play for the consolation round.

2) A set (except the deciding 3rd set) is won by the team which first scores 25 points with a minimum lead of two points. In the case of a 24-24 tie, play is continued until a two-point lead is achieved (26-24; 27-25; …). The third set, if necessary, is usually played to 15 points.

3) Award of points to teams in each match as follows :

a) Match won 2-0; 2-1 2 points

b) Match lost 1-2 1 point

c) Match lost 0-2; 0 point

d) Match forfeited or disqualified 0 points (25-0;25-0)

4) In case of equality in ranking between teams in the preliminary round, the following shall be adopted to decide the position:

a) If the tie exists between two teams, the team that wins at the match shall be accorded a higher position;

b) If the tie exists among three teams or more, the position of teams shall be decided by :

i) Set Quotient – division of all sets scored (dividend) by the total of sets lost (denominator) during all sets, the team with the larger quotient shall be ranked higher;

ii) If the tie persists after the set quotient system has been performed, the point quotient shall be adopted; Point Quotient – division of the number of all points won (dividend) by the number of all points lost (denominator), the team with the larger quotient shall be ranked higher;

iii) When the tie still exists among the teams after calculation of the point quotients, the position shall be decided by the set difference (number of winning sets minus losing sets) during matches played among the teams, the team with the larger difference shall be ranked higher.

iv) If results are still the same, a coin-tossing method will be arranged and determine the winner. (This item only applies to the teams in preliminary round).

Other rules also are followed by the competitions employed FIVA rules (2013 – 2016).

Volleyball Photos

Basketball (1-4 Aug 2016)



男: 香港教育大學

女: 香港教育大學


男: 香港公開大學

女: 恒生管理學院


男: 恒生管理學院

女: 香港高等教育科技學院

決賽日期: 9月4日(星期日)
男子2組重賽日期: 9月3日(星期六)

Basketball Results

Basketball Photos

Badminton (25-26 July 2016)


Badminton Results

Badminton Photos

HSMC Sports Invitation Game 2017

HSMC Sports Invitation Game 2017

HSMC Sports Invitation Game 2017 Fixture Draw Results & Schedule

Friendly remind: Please bring your photo I.D. to check-in. Players will be disqualified without and late check-in!!!


Should Pre-No. 8 special announcement (an advance notice to the public issued by the Observatory when the tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 is expected within two hours), tropical cyclone warning signal No. 8 or above or black rainstorm warning signal is in force 2 hours before the reporting time for preliminary round of the competition, all games on that day will be cancelled. The Organizer will notify the participants of the corresponding arrangement in due course.



