健身室暫停開放 Temporary Suspension of the Fitness Centre

室內游泳池暫停開放 Temporary Suspension of the Indoor Swimming Pool

體育設施及學生事務處辦公室(體育部) 公眾假期及節日開放時間 Opening Hours of Sports Facilities and SAO PE Office during Public Holidays and Festivals

體育設施、學生事務處辦公室(體育部)及啟迪廊公眾假期及節日期間開放時間 Opening Hours of Sports Facilities, Student Affairs Office (PE Section) and The Inspiring during Public Holidays and Festivals

體育設施、學生事務處辦公室(體育部)及啟迪廊公眾假期及節日期間開放時間 Opening Hours of Sports Facilities, Student Affairs Office (PE Section) and The Inspiring during Public Holidays and Festivals

室内運動場及王世濤王雷國慧多用途室於免費時段暫停開放 Temporary Suspension of the Sports Hall and Mr & Mrs Stewart Wong Multi-Purpose Room during Free Sessions