Student Development & Campus Life

We strive to foster a positive and inspiring campus life conductive to whole-person development of our students.
Through various services and student development programmes, we enrich students’ out-of-class active learning experiences and nurture caring leaders with social commitment and global awareness. The team aims to nurture our students to become self-directed learners, we adopt experiential learning as the main approach at large to develop students’ potential.
What's New?
Activity: Visit a Museum Online
Visit a Museum Online Choose a museum that can be visit...Read more
[參加者招募]「順龍仁澤學義同行」服務學習獎勵及培訓計劃 2020/21 | [Open for Enrollment] VolTrekkers Service-learning Award & Training Scheme 2020/21
你有否想過參與一趟服務學習之旅程?既可到海外了解社會經濟狀況及文化,亦可參與當地社區服務!學生事務處舉辦的「『...Read more