ICAC Ambassadors – Activities

ICAC Ambassadors - Activities

校園誠信網上推廣活動 Online Promotion of integrity

Despite the suspension of face-to-face learning on campus, HSUHK ICAC Ambassadors has endeavoured to organize an online promotion of integrity via social media. They have designed a series of illustrations to lively introduce some examples of misconduct which will deliberately violate the good practice of probity and integrity on campus. 


HSMC ICAC Ambassadors launched their first integrity promotion project from 6 to 9 February 2018. A light painting and origami activity was held to tie in with the Valentine’s Day celebration. participants were encouraged to create a unique light painting as a gift, and write down their promises to their family, friends or partners in the ‘I pledge’ campaign. In April, ICAC Ambassadors will organise more activities to promote personal integrity, staff and students are welcome to participate and sustain the probity culture in HSMC.


HSMC ICAC Ambassadors organised another integrity promotion activity from 16 to 18 April 2018. Inspired by the TV series ‘ICAC Investigators’, the Ambassadors designed a ‘Promise Card’ for HSMC-er and turned into a card sticker DIY activity.

Students are invited to take a ‘passport photo’ and write down their promises on the design, creating a unique sticker for the octopus card. To further promote integtrity in campus, the Ambassadors created photo-taking props with promises related to university life, reminding students to uphold the core value of probity.

All for Integrity - Youth Integrity Fest

ICAC Ambassadors participated in the ‘All for Integrity Youth Fest’ on 17 June 2018. Ambassadors brought their DIY activity to JCCAC, visitors are invited to take a photo and write down their promises on a ‘HSMC x ICAC Promise Card’, which was designed by the Ambassadors. The activity attracted around 200 people visiting the booth.