Fitness Challenge

Fitness Challenge


  1. Register online. 
  2. You will receive a confirmation email from us. Please check your HSUHK email account regularly.
  3. Within the programme period, please prepare your video record and upload 1 video (with all activities) to a YouTube link to which our PE Unit can get access.
  4. Hours/ iGPS:
    3 – 5 activities completed, 3 PA/ 1 iGPS will be offered;
    6 – 9 activities completed, 6 PA/ 1.5 iGPS will be offered;
    10 or more activities completed, 10 PA/2iGPS will be offered.

Here are the exercise activities you may choose from:

  1. Sit Ups (100 Units)
  2. Push ups (100 Units)


3. Toilet Paper Challenge (10 Units)


 4. Table Tennis Ball Control And Hand Eye Co-Ordination (100 Units)


 5. Badminton Ball Control (100 Units)


 6. Jumping Squats (100 Units )

 7. Box Jump (100 Units)


 8. Jack knife (100 Units)


 9. WoodChop (100 Units)


 10. Marching Plank (100 Units)


 11. Heel Touches (100 Units)


 12. Volleyball Solo Passing (100 Units)


 13. Reverse lunges (100 Units)


 14. Lateral Leg Raises (100 units)


 15. Marching Glute bridge (100 units)


 16. Spider-man mountain Climbers (100 units)


 17. Skater Hops (100 units)


 18. Plank up (100 units)


 19. Forward Lunges (100 units)


 20. Single-Leg Reach and Jumps (100 units)


Please click here for enrollment