Physical activity diary

Physical activity diary

Aim for at least 40 minutes of physical activity every day and submit 2 weeks (no less than 12 different days) of your physical activity diary to the PE Unit. You can then earn 10 PA hours if your diary is up for our requirement!


  1. Register online
  2. A confirmation email with program details will be sent to you, please check your HSUHK email account regularly.


  1. You should fill in all information required in the physical activity diary.
  2. In this diary, cardio, muscle strengthening and exercises for body flexibility are required to include throughout the week. 
  3. You should take at least one photo per day for the diary, featuring your pretty or handsome face! You may also use a phone application to record your run/jog/walk.
  4. Write down your physical activities that last at least 40 minutes per day. Aim to do 40 to 60 minutes of activity each day, which can be continuously, or in several 10-minute sessions.
  5. You need to provide a reflection of your physical activity journey (no less than 300 words, in either Chinese or English) featuring what you have noticed or learned.

Please click here for enrollment