Sports Teams Members Sharing – HUI Kwai Wah Monique

Sports Team Sharing

HUI Kwai Wah Monique
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)

我們的隊員許桂華由中學便開始打籃球,一打便打了十年。她中一初次接觸這項團體運動,覺得團體運動當中可以互相幫助和分擔壓力。她喜歡和隊友擁有共同的目標,有一同前進的動力,便覺得非常吸引,所以認為打籃球是一項非常熱血的運動。如果要提到最難忘的經歷,她說當然是一年一度的training camp。短短的五日四夜,大家只專注於籃球上,拋開生活其他的煩惱。由早上晨運跑步到晚上打友誼賽,無論多辛苦都會一起奮鬥的拼勁,令大家的球技和默契都急速成長。

籃球已經成為了她生活中不可缺少的一部份, 通過比賽和訓練去認識身邊的隊友,與大家一同建立的友誼和信賴都是從一個籃球開始,這一份友誼是無比的珍貴。人生的經歷是不能從書本上學到的,而籃球教會了她很多。當中包括如何面對輸贏,在逆境中從不放棄 ,在順境中絕不鬆懈,就如同人生經歷高山低谷。在比賽的哨子聲吹響之前,都有無盡的可能性,而且輸贏並不可怕,態度才是決定一切。打籃球不單止能令人身心健康,更可以訓練思維能力 從而在人生路上作出冷靜正確的判斷。


Our team member, Monique Hui, had played basketball for ten years in her secondary school life. She made her first attempt at this team sport when she was form 1, changing her mindset of team sports, relieving stress and teaching her the importance of giving a helping hand to her teammates. She is passionate about playing basketball, striving to accomplish a common goal with teammates. To Monique, the annual training camp was the most memorable experience, as it requires everyone to concentrate fully on playing basketball, disposing of vexations of daily life in the five-day camp. Participating in a wide range of activities ranging from a morning run to a friendly competition at night, our team attempts to collaborate with each other in mastering fundamentals of offensive and defensive skills, urging us to achieve goals with determination. 

Needless to say, basketball is indispensable to her life. Everything starts with balling, building friendship and trust around a ball and teammates in countless competitions and trainings, so it is called basketball. Not only does basketball teach her like the way books do, but it also gives rise to once-in-a-life time experiences. She learnt about how to handle winning nor losing; one should never give up in challenging times and they should never be complacent about good times. Players run for all they are worth before the final whistle allowing for endless possibilities, which signifies that “attitude decides one’s altitude”. It is basketball which brings health and strong logical thinking to us in order to help us make an impartial and objective judgement in life.

Shifting from new blood to a captain, she gained the most remarkable but irreplaceable memories formed by every training and game during her four-year basketball life in HSU. She is thankful to her coach and all of her fellow teammates, who walk her through a puzzling but unforgettable university life. Monique is longing to see some new faces in the team in order to pass down the spirit of “team as one” to help everyone feel more vital sparks. It is nearly the end of her university life, but the HSU women basketball team will definitely keep her spirit up.