Sports Team Sharing

NG Sin Yi (Cindy)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
「不求盡善盡美,但求無愧於心」 ,是她做事的宗旨。在賽場上,面對任何對手,她一定以100%的心力奮戰,爭取勝出的可能性,哪怕不被看好,她都奮力完成一次又一次的撲救,相信盡力就好;坐在觀眾席時,她總是用最響亮的聲音為隊友吶喊,給予隊友強大的支持,無論身為隊長、球員、或是觀眾,她都做好本分、不曾缺席。
There aren’t many female players in the world of inter school table-tennis to begin with, and even fewer deviate from a typical table-tennis player. The girl with her signature pixie cut and pen hold grip is Cindy NG. Under the influence of her family, she started playing table-tennis at a fairly young age. Her considerable passion for table-tennis accompanied her throughout her childhood years; however, there were not many chances for her to showcase her enthusiasm. Despite having missed inter-school competitions in primary and secondary school, she developed her love for the sport, hoping that her humble personal experience in external competitions would allow her to be a worthy contender in an inter-school competition in the near future. And she succeeded, seizing the last opportunity by representing HSUHK in the University Sports Federation of Hong Kong (USFHK) Table-Tennis competition.
2018 University Sports Federation of Hong Kong (USFHK) Table-Tennis competition
The University Sports Federation of Hong Kong (USFHK) competition was right around the corner. Despite enduring various injuries in the process, Cindy had practice from dusk to dawn and never complained in the midst of tireless preparation. She constantly reflected on her technique and posture, striving to be the best in the competition. Afterall, success is the combination of preparation and opportunity.
Instead of seeking perfection, living without regret was her main goal. On the court, regardless of the differences in skill sets and chances of victory, Cindy performed at the best of her ability. To her, nothing mattered more than doing her best. Even when she sat on the side lines, she always projected the loudest voice in the arena, making sure her cheers were heard by her teammates on the court. Irrespective of the role of the team captain, contender, audience member, she made sure that she fulfilled her responsibilities dutifully.
The transition of leadership from graduates to sophomores is inevitable; after all, there must be someone who passes on the torch. While improving skill sets is essential, at the end of the day, the major determinant of one’s victory is highly dependent on their state of mind. Rising to the challenge as well as treating every practice session and competition in full seriousness, are great examples of how attitude determines altitude. Even though her journey with HSUHK has come to the end, Cindy hopes that her persistence will leave a mark in the world of collegiate table-tennis. May the enthusiasm and spirit of HSUHK’s table-tennis team live on.