Summer Abroad Programme 2019 June



Name & Special Features




2-15 June



學習內容: 1. 普通話訓練、實踐 2.中國傳統文化學習(秦、漢、唐、多元宗教等文化專題講座) 3.中國傳統文化體驗(參觀世界八大奇跡之一的秦始皇兵馬俑、藏有釋迦摩尼舍利子的法門寺,武則天的陵墓乾陵、保存完好的西安古城墻,陝西省歷史博物館等)

Program Fee:


Students pay for:

1. round-trip airfare

2. meals

3. personal expenses

“Pilot Mainland Experience Scheme” available upon successful completion (maximum $3,000). Each student is able to receive subsidy under MES once only.

FASP recipients can apply for  SSEBR, with a maximum of HK$6,500 depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.


4 June – 2 Aug

Nanzan University

Nanzan Summer Japanese Program (Course A & Course B)

8-week intensive programmes for students to study Japanese language and culture, join internship in Japan and participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities.

Detailed Information:

Click Here

Program Fee:


(includes accommodation and insurance)

Students also pay for:

1.round-trip airfare

2. meals

3.personal expenses

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$13,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.


8 June – 8 July

University of British Columbia

Vancouver Summer Program (VSP)

A 4-week academic program offered by UBC for students to study at its Vancouver campus. This program provides the opportunity for students to take 2 academic courses in various UBC Faculties, while learning about Canadian practices and culture.

Detailed Information:

Click Here

Program Fee:

CAD 5,250

(includes accommodation and medical insurance)

Students also pay for:

1. Visa application

2. round-trip airfare

3. meals

4. personal expenses

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$19,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.

International and Regional Learning Award (IRLA) may be available for non credit-bearing overseas learning activities. For details, please click here.


10 June – 13 July




Detailed Information:

Click Here

Programme Fee:


Students pay for:

1. round-trip airfare

2. personal expenses

3. insurance

4. meals

“Pilot Mainland Experience Scheme” available upon successful completion (maximum $3,000). Each student is able to receive subsidy under MES once only.

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$13,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.


11-15 June


同學將會參訪華僑大學,參觀鼓浪嶼、國家海洋局第三研究所、集美學村、愛國華僑領袖 陳嘉庚故居、世界文化遺產-福建土樓和雲水謠古鎮。

Detailed Information:

Click Here

Programme Fee:

HKD 800

Students also pay for:

1. personal expenses

2. meals on high-speed railway

“Pilot Mainland Experience Scheme” available upon successful completion (maximum $900). Each student is able to receive subsidy under MES once only.


17 June – 31 Aug

National Taiwan University

2019 NTU Summer+ Programs

A series of programmes across different fields of study, including Arts, Chinese Studies, Social Science and Research & Internship, offering students the opportunity to gain further insights into transitional and modern society.

Detailed Information:

Click Here

Programme Fee:

From NTD 46,500 to NTD 99,000, depending on the programme

Students also pay for:

1. round-trip airfare

2. insurance

3. meals

4. personal expenses

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$13,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.

International and Regional Learning Award (IRLA) may be available for non credit-bearing overseas learning activities. For details, please click here.


20 June – 19 July

EM Normandie Business School

Normandy Summer School

A 4-week intensive programme in English designed to give students an introduction to Business & Management practice in France and Europe including lectures & workshops, business meetings, corporate visits and cultural excursions.

Detailed Information:

Click Here

Programme Fee:

Regular: €2,800

HSUHK students: €2,000

Early Bird for HSUHK students: €1,850 (by 28 Feb 5pm)

Students also pay for:

1. round-trip airfare

2. insurance

3. meals

4. personal expenses

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$18,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.

International and Regional Learning Award (IRLA) may be available for non credit-bearing overseas learning activities. For details, please click here.


24 June – 12 July

ISIT Intercultural Management Summer School

A 3-week programme for students take French classes alongside with courses in one of ISIT’s specialist areas: Intercultural Management.

Detailed Information:

Click Here

Program Fee:


Students also pay for:

1. accommodation

2. round-trip airfare

3. meals

4. personal expenses

5. insurance

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$14,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.


24 June – 12 July

ICHEC Brussels Management School

2019 ICHEC Summer School

A 3-week summer programme for international students to communicate with academic experts and entrepreneurs and join different business activities to take another look at business and innovation.

Detailed Information:

Click Here

Program Fee:


Students also pay for:

1. accommodation

2. round-trip airfare

3. meals

4. personal expenses

5. insurance

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$14,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.


24 June – 21 July

Chung-Ang International Summer Program (Session 1)

A 4-week academic programme providing cultural experiences to students which enhance their understanding of Korean Culture and Society.

Detailed Information:

Click Here

Program Fee:

USD $1,878


1. tuition fee

2. accommodation

3. airport pickup

Students also pay for:

1. round-trip airfare

2. meals

3. personal expenses

4. insurance

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$9,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.


24 June – 2/16/30 Aug

UCLA Summer Sessions 2019

University of California, Los Angeles

A 6/8/10-week session of Summer Academic Courses for students to advance their learning by experiencing UCLA’s academic rigor and excellence. Students can enjoy an extensive array of campus resources as well as cultural events at UCLA.

Detailed Information:

Click Here

Programme Fee:

From USD3,807 to USD 5,227, depending on the number of courses taken

Students also pay for:

1. round-trip airfare

2. accommodation

3. meals

4. visa application

5. personal expense

For the estimation of expenses, please click HERE

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$19,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.

International and Regional Learning Award (IRLA) may be available for non credit-bearing overseas learning activities. For details, please click here.


28 June – 1 Aug




Detailed Information:

Click Here

Program Fee:


Students pay for:

1. round-trip airfare

2. personal expenses

3. insurance

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$13,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.


29 June – 17 July


上海交通大學 2019 拯救傳統村落工作營


Detailed Information:

Click Here

Program Fee:


Students pay for:

1. round-trip airfare

2. personal expenses

3. insurance

International and Regional Learning Award (IRLA) may be available for students who join the Italy Session. For details, please click here.


30 June – 21 July

Mahidol University International College

MUIC Summer Program

A 3-week summer programme in Thailand, providing students an opportunity to have a well-rounded experience both inside and outside the classroom, which will prepare participants to be adaptable in the dynamic world. Students can select from two courses available

Detailed Information:

Click Here

Program Fee:

28,000 Thai Baht

Students also pay for:

1. round-trip airfare

2. meals

3. personal expenses

4. insurance

FASP recipients can apply for SSE, with a maximum of HK$9,000, depending on the latest level of student finance approved by SFO.
