COVID 1’90 Create Online VIDeos, 1’90
體育部將選用合適的作品於網上公開展示,並供恒大師生及大眾免費觀看及轉發,版權歸體育部所有。如有需要,參賽者可選擇提交不多於 50 字的簡介。
所有參加者均能獲得1 PA,被選用作品之參加者能額外獲得1 CS,以表揚對社區之付出。
活動設有「最佳」、「最受歡迎」和「最喜愛」三個獎項,除能獲得1 PA及1 CS外,每名得獎者可獲得$100 PE Coupon及紀念品。
「最佳」影片: 由體育部選出;
「最受歡迎」影片: 最高瀏覽人數的影片將獲得該獎項;
「最喜愛」影片: 由恒大師生投票,選出「最喜愛」影片。
- 醫生曾否說過你的心臟有問題,以及只可進行醫生建議的體能活動?
- 你進行體能活動時會否感到胸口痛?
- 過去一個月內,你曾否在沒有進行體能活動時也感到胸口痛?
- 你曾否因感到暈眩而失去平衡,或曾否失去知覺?
- 你的骨骼或關節(例如脊骨、膝蓋或髖關節)是否有毛病,且會因改變體能活動而惡化?
- 醫生現時是否有開血壓或心臟藥物(例如water pills)給你服用?
- 是否有其他理由令你不應進行體能活動?
- 把影片上載到YouTube,可自行選擇「瀏覽權限」。(https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/157177?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=zh-Hant) 如作品經體育部選用,版權將歸體育部所有。
- 填妥google form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf23XIpB_3bvPfNgDLi44JLrvmvek6W4-IBQ8V4mlhmHenEew/viewform)
- 截止日期為7月31日
- 請量力而為,如有身體不適,請立刻停止活動。
- 請逐漸增加運動量及強度,並在運動前進行適當熱身。
- 運動前後多補充水份。
- 運動期間,請留意自己的心跳及呼吸,如有不適,請立刻停止活動。
如有查詢,請電郵至Ms Lo(yhlo@hsu.edu.hk)。
運動的種類很多,你必定可以找到適合自己的類型;何不坐言起行,立即體會做運動的樂趣?“劍擊運動員- 何嘉麗”
Staying at home doesn’t stop you from staying active and creative!
Let’s create a video with the duration from one minute to one minute and 90 seconds, to share with the public the joy of doing sports! You could also turn yourselves into a coach, broadening our sports knowledge or letting the public learn basic sports techniques from you!
Based on one of our three themes, your video could surely encourage us to stay positive and optimistic, even amidst the pandemic. You can also take this chance to inspire the public to work out anywhere, and lead a healthy life anytime.
The PE Unit will feature selected videos online so that our HSUHK community and the general public can enjoy and share your videos for free. Please be noted that the copyright of your work shall belong to the PE Unit. You can also submit no more than 50 words of introduction in either Chinese or English, if needed.
All HSUHK students and staff are welcome to submit your video. The video can feature as many participants as possible. Only the one student who submits the video can be granted the concerned hours.
So healthy
So easy
So happy
All participants can obtain one PA hour. Selected videos will grant the participants one more CS hour, to appreciate your contribution to our community.
Three awards are waiting for you: The Best Video, The Most Popular Video, and The Most Liked Video. Winners of each award will be awarded with one $100 PE coupon and a souvenir, in addition to one PA hour and one CS hour.
The Best Video is selected by the PE Unit.
The Most Popular Video is the video that is the most viewed in YouTube.
The Most Liked Video is voted by the HSUHK students and teachers.
Please read the questions carefully and answer each one honestly before starting any exercise: Check YES or NO.
- Has your doctor ever said that you have a heart condition and that you should only do physical activity recommended by a doctor?
- Do you feel pain in your chest when you do physical activity?
- In the past month, have you had chest pain when you were not doing physical activity?
- Do you lose your balance because of dizziness or do you ever lose consciousness?
- Do you have a bone or joint problem (for example, back, knee or hip) that could be made worse by a change in your physical activity?
- Is your doctor currently prescribing drugs (for example, water pills) for your blood pressure or heart condition?
- Do you know of any other reason why you should not do physical activity?
If you answered YES to one or more questions, talk with your doctor by phone or in person BEFORE you start doing any exercises. Tell your doctor which questions you answered YES.
If you answered NO to all questions, start becoming much more physically active – begin slowly and build up gradually. This is the safest and easiest way to go.
Video submission
- Upload your video to YouTube. You may choose the privacy setting before publishing the video. (https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/157177?co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&hl=en-GB) Please be noted that the copyright of your work shall belong to the PE Unit.
- Fill in the google form.(https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf23XIpB_3bvPfNgDLi44JLrvmvek6W4-IBQ8V4mlhmHenEew/viewform)
- Deadline: 31st July 2020.
Warm reminders
- Make sure you and anyone involved are physically fit enough to perform any activity featured in the video. Stop immediately when you feel unwell.
- Start slowly, do some warm-up exercises and stretches first.
- Drink water before and after the exercise. Drink water often.
- Pay attention to your heart rate and breathing. Stop immediately when you feel unwell.
Should you have any questions, please contact Ms Lo by email( yhlo@hsu.edu.hk)