VolTrekkers Service-learning Scheme
VolTrekkers Service-learning Training Scheme is organized by Student Affairs Office (SAO) and supported by Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation Limited (香港順龍仁澤基金會) which aims at providing solid service-learning experience to HSUHK students and fostering them to become global citizens. Students can plan and implement their own service projects through this Scheme under the support and guidance from SAO.

Scheme Introduction
Through the scheme, students will be able to come into close contact with the service target and thus have a deeper understanding and reflection on a specific social issue.
They can learn, grow, and enrich their life experience by planning, implementing, reflecting, and evaluating their service experience. After the completion of the whole program, students can equip numerous skills such as research, interpersonal communication, problem solving and program design.
The Scheme is divided into THREE stages:
Stage 1- Participating in various trainings on specific social issues
The scheme provides a flexible training schedule for students to select suitable training based on their own learning needs. Participants can increase their understanding on specific social issues and to equip themselves on social service planning in the next stage.
Stage 2 – Forming team to initiate your own Community Care Project!
Participants will form service teams to design their own community caring projects. They will be involved in itinerary design, service planning and project coordination alongside the SAO as well as local service partners.
Getting the guidance from service-learning tutor (served by NGO partners), participants will have a deeper understanding and reflection on a specific social issue, and successfully design the service which can fit the service target’s needs.
Stage 3 – Engaging in a fully/partially FUNDED Overseas service-learning trip
Selected students from stage 2 will be invited to join an overseas service-learning trip. Participants will understand more about the social issues in international aspects.
Participants will be involved in assessing needs of service targets, conceiving feasible and sustainable service projects, having post-service evaluation and reflection after returning back to HK.
Scheme Timeline
Stage 1: Social Issue and Service Training
對象:香港恒生大學本科生 | 語言:廣東話 |
日期Date | 集合地點 | 內容Content | 報名 Registration |
1/11/2023 15:00-16:30 | The Inspiring | 食鹽多過你食米 @ 塑膠彩布藝繪畫工作坊 主題:本地長者議題 合作伙伴:基督教香港信義會沙田護老坊 | 已完結 |
10/11/2023 12:15-13:45 | The Inspiring | 那日中午,我坐上了恒大開往「過去」的時光機… @基層兒童活動體驗 主題:基層兒童 合作伙伴:基督教香港信義會北區青少年綜合服務中心 Guest: North District Integrated Youth Service Centre, ELCHK | 已完結 |
16/11/2023 (Thu) 14:00-15:30 | M909 | 假如我變成了… @ 殘疾人士生活體驗 主題:關懷殘疾人士 合作伙伴:香港復康聯盟 嘉賓:香港復康聯盟總幹事 William Chan | 已完結 |
*If the participants of Stage 1 activities are interested in participating in Stage 2 & 3 , they will be given higher priority
Stage 2: Experiential-learning on planning service project
對象:對社會服務有熱誠之香港恒生大學本科生 | 語言:廣東話 |
日期 | 內容 |
30 Oct – | 招募期 |
6-17 Nov 2023 | VolTrekkers展覽及招募攤位 |
21 Nov 2023 | 截止招募
20-24 Nov 2023 | 面試 |
6 Dec 2023 | 迎新及團隊訓練日 |
Dec 2023-Jan 2024 | 培訓、組隊安排、與「服務學習導師」會面及交流 |
Jan – Apr 2024 | 提交服務計劃書及推行本地服務 |
May 2024 | 服務隊伍分享會及入選名單公佈 (計劃將資助入選成員進行第三階段的海外服務學習) (selected members will be subsided to engage in overseas service-learning trip) |
Stage 3: Overseas Service-learning Trip
日期 | May – Aug 2024 |
對象 | 本計劃第二階段之參加者 |
條件 | 完成第二階段,並獲評為優秀隊員 |
費用 | 全免 / 大額資助 |
地點 | 馬來西亞 / 越南 |