VolTrekkers Training Scheme 2021-2022 (Food Waste)


減少廚餘問題是聯合國可持續發展目標的其中之一,可見廚餘處理對全球長遠發展的具深切影響。本年度「『順龍仁澤學義同行』服務學習培訓計劃」目標讓同學經歷「培訓」、「體驗學習及規劃服務」與「實踐服務」三個階段,從而了解香港的廚餘問題, 並實踐所學, 籌備及實踐服務。過程中, 同學將參與個人性格特質、團隊合作、義工服務策劃和實踐、以及思考設計的培訓工作坊,了解自己的個人特質, 從而擬訂發展方向。透過與組員一同實踐為期一星期的服務, 參加者可藉此鍛鍊個人組織及溝通能力。

The 3,000 tones food waste produced every day constitutes more than one-third of the solid waste in Hong Kong. It is predicted that Hong Kong will run out of landfills if we keep dumping food this way in a few years’ time. It seems impossible to reverse the situation overnight. But does it mean there’s nothing we can do to alleviate the problem?

To echo with SDG12 of the United Nation – Responsible Consumption and Production, VolTrekkers will work towards reducing and recycling food waste. By joining this program, you will be provided with various training workshops, experiential-learning opportunities. You will learn the cause and impact of food waste problem. You will work as a team to plan and implement a service project about reducing food waste and educate the people around you about food waste problem. What’s more? You will be able to develop your organising skills and communication skills.


Scheme Highlights


  • 透過工作坊, 體驗及了解香港的廚餘情況.
  • 探討本港政策,了解從食肆及家居方面可如何配合以達至可持續發展
  • 於恒大及社區推廣減少廚餘及廚餘回收


  • 學生主導:同學參與服務的構思、設計、機構聯絡及組織等工作,實踐服務計劃。
  • 專題研習:對廚餘問題進行研究及服務檢討。
  •  多元化體驗學習活動,包括:廚餘再生工作坊, 導賞團, 認識香港廚餘政策等


  • 年級不限
  • 主動積極
  • 對社會服務有熱誠
  • 良好組織能力

15人 (每主題)

Scheme Objectives

  • Developing an understanding of food waste issue of HK through workshops.
  • Understanding how catering business and household can contribute to food waste reduction.
  • Promoting food waste reduction and recycling in HSUHK and the neighbourhood.

Scheme Features

  • Student-led Services: Students leading the project planning, liaison with external parties, service organisation and implementation.
  • Project-based Learning: Investigating food waste problem and initiating relevant service
  • Experiential-learning Activities: Food Waste Upcycling Workshops, Guided Tours, Policy Studies and etc


  • All years are welcome
  • Proactive
  • Enthusiastic in serving the community
  • Strong organisational skills

15 (Each topic)


Student Affairs Office (Student Development & Campus Life)

Email: sdcl.sao@hsu.edu.hk

Tel: 3963 5560