Event Details

注意事項 Notes:
  1. 因參與人數眾多,請提前於活動開始前15分鐘,即下午1時45分或之前抵達利國偉教學大樓二樓的登記處(請參考地圖)以完成登記手續。
  2. 入場前,各位需到利國偉教學大樓二樓的登記處向工作人員出示此電郵,以便辦理登記手續。
  3. 本校將不提供停車位,請搭乘公共交通工具前往本校。(前往方法)
  4. 若於活動當日(10月26日) 上午8 時正或以後,八號風球或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號或黑色暴雨警告信號仍然懸掛,當日活動將會取消。
  5. 因人數所限,只能招待以上所列的嘉賓參與活動,沒有報名的人士將不能參與。
  6. 每名新生只限一位家長參與。
  7. 遲到者將有機會不能於主場地親身參與歡迎環節,並需到其他場地觀看直播。
  1. To shorten the waiting time, you are advised to arrive at the entrance of HSUHK (Campus Map for your reference) before 1:45 pm to complete the procedure.
  2. No parking spaces would be provided. Please take public transportation to HUSHK. (Map & Directions)
  3. Before entering the venue, please present this email to our staff at the registration counter at 2/F, Lee Que Wai Academic Building.
  4. If typhoon signal no. 8 or above; or black rainstorm warning is expected or hoisted at or after 8:00 am on 26 Oct, the event will be cancelled.
  5. Only the registered guests will be allowed to join the event. Visitors who have not registered in advance will not be allowed to participate in the event.
  6. Each student is entitled to invite at most 1 guest to join the event.
  7. The latecomer may not be able to access the main venue for joining the welcome session and will be invited to watch the live broadcast in another venue.

查詢 Enquiries: 

電話 Tel : 3963 5560   
電郵 Email: sao@hsu.edu.hk

Copyright 2023 | The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong | All Right Reserved 

HSUHK Marathon Team 2022

🏃‍♂️Public Ballot Registration for
the 25th Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon opens on 15 November🏃‍♀️

Dear Colleagues and Students,

The 25th Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon will be held on 12 February 2023. The Public Ballot Registration will be available on the Marathon’s official website from 15 November to 21 November. Interested students or staff can register via the official website at 10 a.m. on 15 November onwards on a first-come-first-served basis.

If you have successfully registered for the marathon, you are welcome to enroll in the HSUHK Marathon Team and apply for free training sessions and workshops arranged by SAO PE. Detailed information will be provided in December. The top three half-marathon / 10 km finishers in the student or staff category of the team will be rewarded*. Students can also submit the result to gain PA hours /iGPS units!

Link for registration: https://www.hkmarathon.com/index.html

Benefits of enrolling in the HSUHK Marathon Team:

  1. A 2023 HSUHK Marathon Team Running Uniform

  2. A Free Fitness Pass from during the marathon training period from December 2022 to February 2023)

  3. Free training sessions and workshops organised by SAO PE

Don’t miss the chance and stay tuned for the latest announcement!


  • *Each group should have at least 5 participants and the runners should finish it within the time limit: under 2 hours for 10km and under 3 hours for half-marathon PA Hours / iGPS Unit will be released in mid-March 2023

10 km

Half Marathon


PA Hours

2 Hours

3 Hours

6 Hours

iGPS Unit

1 Unit

1.5 Units

2 Units

Should you have any questions, please contact Mr. WONG at 3963 5236 or email cwwong@hsu.edu.hk.


截止報名日期 Registration Deadline: 2024-09-29 (Sun)


香港恒生大學 (恒大) 誠意邀請 閣下於2024年10月26 (星期六) 蒞臨本校出席一年一度的「相聚在恒大– 校長.家長交流日」。屆時本人、 大學管理層、教職員及學生將與大家見面,分享有關恒大的最新發展。




Dear Parents,

You are cordially invited to participate in our annual event  “President’s Reception for Parents” on 26 October 2024 (Saturday). Our senior management, academic staff, students and I would be pleased to meet you and to share the latest development of the University.

We look forward to welcoming you on our campus.

Yours sincerely,
Prof. Simon S.M. HO

報名須知 Notes on Registration

報名前,請細閱以下報名須知。Please thoroughly review the following notes before the registration.
  1. 因參與人數眾多,請提前在活動開始前15分鐘,即下午1時45分或之前抵達利國偉教學大樓2樓以完成登記程序。
  2. 只接受網上報名,不接受即場報名
  3. 因人數限制,只招待家長。每名新生只限一位家長參與
  4. 同學亦可參與活動,但因舉行歡迎環節的場地座位有限,參與的同學將被安排到同層另一場地觀看直播
  5. 報名結果(不論成功與否) 將以電郵通知 。
  6. 請於截止報名日期 (2024年9月29日/ 星期日) 前完成報名程序  。
  7. 於演講廳舉行的歡迎環節 (下午2時至2時30分) 將以廣東話,輔以英語及普通話即時傳譯進行。
  8. 若於活動當日(2024年10月26日/ 星期六) 上午 8時正或以後,八號風球或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號或黑色暴雨警告信號仍然懸掛,當日活動將會取消
  9. 所收集的個人資料將會絕對保密,並只作本活動及本校將來與你通訊之用。除非獲得資料當事人同意或在法律強制下,否則本處不會向外界機構或團體披露你的個人資料。
  1. To shorten the waiting time, you are advised to arrive at 2/F, Lee Quo Wei Academic Building of HSUHK at 1:45 pm to complete the on-site registration procedure.
  2. Only online registration in advance is accepted. On-site registrations will not be entertained.
  3. Each student is entitled to invite at most 1 guest to join the event.
  4. Students can also participate in the event, but due to the limited seating capacity in the venue hosting the welcome session, the participating students will be arranged to watch the live broadcast in another venue.
  5. Registration results will be announced (successful or otherwise) through email.
  6. Please complete the registration on or before 29 Sep 2024 (Sun).
  7. The welcome session at Auditorium (2:00–2:30 pm) will be conducted in Cantonese with English or Putonghua simultaneous translation.
  8. If typhoon signal no. 8 or above or black rainstorm signal is expected or hoisted at or after 8:00 am on 26 Oct 2024, the event will be canceled.
  9. Information collected will be kept strictly confidential. Data may be provided to the University for administrative and academic purposes. We will not disclose your personal information to any external bodies or organisations unless you have been consulted or we are required to do so by law.

查詢 Enquiries: 

電話 Tel : 3963 5560   
電郵 Email: sao@hsu.edu.hk

Copyright 2024 | The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong | All Right Reserved 

Opening Hours on Festive Days






















Opening Hours on Christmas Eve and New Year Eve

Dear visitors,

Kindly be informed that the opening hours of Student Affairs Office (SAO) on Lunar New Year Eve (31 Jan 2022) will be from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm due to the early release arrangement for staff.  

The following office would be closed in the afternoon of the days.

  • SAO Office (Room 603, Block M)

Wish you all have a peaceful Lunar New Year!

Thanks & regards,
Student Affairs Office

Student Counseling Services

Dear Students, Counseling service is operating as usual, and apart from face-to-face interview, online mode or…