[有證書及10 PA時數!!!]一級山藝訓練證書課程

This message is about a course to be delivered in Chinese. Apologies to non-Chinese students. 一級山藝訓練證書課程…

恒大邀請賽 (HSUHK Sports Invitation Game)

恒大邀請賽將由6月3日起,一連四個星期於B座李兆基綜合大樓2樓舉行羽毛球、排球及籃球賽事,今年共有九間大專院校競逐八個項目的獎項,歡迎各位來臨B座為同學們打氣! 比賽時間表如下﹕ June 2019 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 3 4 5 6 7 Basketball Basketball…


乒乓球工作人員招募 日期:2019年5月17日(星期五) 時間:1100 – 1500; 1630 – 2030 地點:李兆基綜合大樓2樓室內運動場 人數:10 人 *需要對乒乓球有認識 CS/ECA時數:各4小時 羽毛球工作人員招募 日期:2019年5月24日(星期五) 時間:1100 –…

[4月/April]李兆基綜合大樓體育設施假日暫停開放 Sports facilities in Lee Shau Kee Complex Close on Public Holidays

2019年4月5及19-22日為公眾假期, 李兆基綜合大樓體育設施全日暫停服務。 5th, 19th – 2nd April 2019 are Public Holidays and the services of sports…

Physical Education

Physical Education Section

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Sports Facilities
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Our Missions

  • To develop individual physical competence and knowledge of living an active and healthy lifestyle.
  • To nurture positive values and attitudes in sports and recreation, by providing a good foundation for lifelong and life-wide learning.
  • To promote social, cooperative and problem-solving competencies by providing a quality physical education experience. 

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