Activities Album (2017-2018)

Activities Album (2017-2018)

St John First Aid Course

Date: 14-17 August 2018

Venue: Block A

SAO PE Unit arranged a four days “St John First Aid Course” to the students of Hang Seng Management College(HSMC) in the campus. First aid is the immediate care given to a person who has been injured or has been suddenly ill. It includes both self-help and home care if medical assistance is not available or delayed. First aid knowledge not only means the difference between life and death, but also helps you to determine the sequence and the priority of first-aid treatments during an emergency situation so that the greatest possible good may be accomplished for the greatest number of people.

The course covers about learning bandaging, cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the first aid knowledge. We hope that the student could use this knowledge to serve the community in the future and help those in need.

學生事務處 體育組在學校舉辦了一個為期四日的 「聖約翰急救課程」,給予學生一個機會學習在遇到有人受傷或急病時,向傷病者提供的緊急救助,包括在救援人員到達之前進行的個人急救或家庭急救。急救知識不單可幫助拯救性命,也能協助有關人士在危境下決定救助傷者的先後次序,盡量減輕傷亡情況及保障最多人的安全。


Pak Mei Trial

Date: 27 April 2018

Venue: Dancing Studio (2/F, Block B)

Pak Mei (also known as Bak Mei, Pak Mee, and Pai Mai) is believed to be one of the Five Elders of the Shaolin who survived a fire that destroyed the main temple at Henan and the subsequent slaughter of the monks that lived there.

The overall fighting style of Pak Mei is one of explosive power, strongly influenced by the ferociousness of the tiger combined with the sharpness of the leopard; it also incorporates some elements of the Shaolin Snake, Crain and Dragon styles.

白眉派,南拳門派,東江系,客家拳。始創人張禮泉。 白眉拳屬於南拳的一個流派,起源於明朝末年,據傳是四川峨嵋山白眉道人所傳,現在四川,廣東,香港,澳門等地較流行。其特點是剛強,連貫性強,路線寬廣。其拳法有衝搥,鞭搥,拋搥及箭搥…等。橋法有碎橋,穿摩,與塞手等。

Fencing Workshop

Date: 27 April 2018

Venue: Dancing Studio (2/F, Block B)

Table Tennis Fun Day

Date: 26 April 2018

Venue: Dancing Studio (2/F, Block B)


Date: 11 April 2018

Journey: Block B -> Shing Mun River -> Block B


Date: 11 April 2018

Venue: Sports Hall (2/F, Block B)


Date: 27 March 2018

Venue: Sports Hall (2/F, Block B)

Tchoukball is the fastest hand ball sport in the world today. Invented in the late 1960s, tchoukball is a team sport of 7 players that unites all key sporting skills; athleticism, concentration, respect for oneself and the opposition and teamwork.

巧固球於1969年起源瑞士,是結合手球﹑排球及壁球等運動而發展出來的,”巧固球” 這一名稱,主要是因為射網後發出”Tchouk”的聲音所以英文名為”Tchoukall” 。瑞士生物學者布蘭德博士從教育的團體遊戲觀點,創造了巧固球。以維持健康而有正當的競賽氣氛下,做不侵犯別人身體活動和禮讓的態度為宗旨,在比賽當中必需有「謙虛」﹑「禮讓」和「誠實」等君子精神,則有「君子球」之稱。


Date: 22 March 2018

Venue: Sports Hall (2/F, Block B)

General introduction of the disciplined services selection process


Date: 8 March, 2018

Venue: Sports Hall (2/F, Block B)

Fee: Free of charge

Test Items:

– BMI (BMI測試) – Waist-hip ratio (腰臀比例測試) – Body Fat (脂肪比例測試)

– Blood oxygen content (血含氧量測試) – Blood pressure (血壓測試) – Blood glucose (血糖測試)

– Color blindness (色盲測試) – Intraocular pressure,IOP (眼壓測試) – Bone density (骨質密度測試)

– Cholesterol (膽固醇測試)


Date: 23 Feb 2018

Venue: Sports Hall (2/F, Block B )

Flyball is a new sports combination of tennis, badminton and baseball. It improves hand-eye coordination, physical prowess, accuracy, and teamwork through competition and training.


綜合運動班 (扯鈴)

Multi-sports course including Diabolos trail. It evolved from the Chinese yo-yo, which was originally standardized in the 12th century.


Date: 12 Jan 2018

Venue: Sports Hall (2/F, Block B )


Date: 11 Jan 2018

Journey: Block B à Tai Po Tai Mei Tuk à Block B

*Supported by bike-sharing operator Hobabike


Date: 7 Oct 2017

Venue: Tai Po Tai Mei Tuk Plover Cove Reservoir

*Volunteer work

Activities Album 2018-2019

Past PE Activities (From 2018 to present)

Kinesio Tape Workshop
Have you ever suffered from tendon or joint pain? Kinesio tape may help support the injured parts and relieve pain. This workshop is going to introduce the usage of the Kinesio tape.

Extreme athlete Cheng Ka Shing has faced many challenges, both in life and sports. What is the psychology of him during the process of being knocked down? How does he deal with the situation and persist? He will share his ups and downs during this workshop.

Record a video featuring you completing 4 sets or more of our designated fitness activities, within the programme period (14 days). Submit the video record link with the workout details to get 4 to 10 PA. Click here for details. 

COVID 1’90-Create Online VIDeos, 1’90

So healthy
So easy
So happy

Kickboxing aerobic

Date: 17 January 2020(Thursday)
Venue:  Sports Hall, 2/F Lee Shau Kee Complex

Cricket Workshop

日期: 10月17 日 (星期四)
地點: M座室外籃球場

HSUHK Badminton Tournament 2019

Date: 27th April 2019
Venue: Sports Hall, 2/F Lee Shau Kee Complex
Events: 1) Men’s Singles 2) Men’s Doubles

Badminton Fun Day

Learn the basic skills and competition regulations in this 3-hour fun day event.

Poor body postures cause different physical pains. The workshop demonstrated 12 stretching exercises that you should know to prevent the pain. The highlights have been uploaded to our channel – click HERE to review!

Complete and pass any pre-approved sports-related certification course. You can earn up to 10 PA and 10 ECA hours! Click here for details. 

Follow yogi Adrienne and do yoga at home! 

Peaceful Yoga

Date: 16 January 2020 (Thursday)
Venue:  Sports Hall, 2/F Lee Shau Kee Complex

Tchoukball Workshop

Date: 21st May 2019
Venue: Sports Hall, 2/F Lee Shau Kee Complex

Tchoukball is the fastest hand ball sport in the world today. Invented in the late 1960s, tchoukball is a team sport of 7 players that unites all key sporting skills; athleticism, concentration, respect for oneself and the opposition and teamwork.

巧固球於1969年起源瑞士,是結合手球﹑排球及壁球等運動而發展出來的,”巧固球” 這一名稱,主要是因為射網後發出”Tchouk”的聲音所以英文 為”Tchoukall” 。瑞士生物學者布蘭德博士從教育的團體遊戲觀點,創造了巧固球。以維持健康而有正當的競賽氣氛下,做不侵犯別人身體活動和禮讓的態度為宗旨,在比賽當中必需有「謙虛」﹑「禮讓」和「誠實」等君子精神,則有「君子球」之稱

Pétanque Workshop

Date: 17th Jan 2019
Venue: The Kowloon Cricket Club

Introduce the fundamental techniques of pétanque

  1. 認識法式滾球的玩法及規則
  2. 學習法式滾球的基本技巧

Fencing Fun Day

Learn the basic skills and competition regulations in this 3-hour fun day event.

Having perfect movements is half of a great work. Achieve the maximum impact with the least chance to get injured.

Submit a video to show the process of you tying the seven designated knots on a single rope within 5 minutes to gain 4 ECA hours/1iGPS. Click here for details. 

輕輕鬆鬆登高峰Tate’s Cairn Hike

Date: 22 January 2020 (Wednesday)
Route: 李兆基綜合大樓>草堆下>吊草岩>大老山山頂>李兆基綜合大樓

Relieving Shoulders and Back Pain Workshopshop

Date: 19 December 2019(Thursday)
Venue: 1/F Multi-purpose Room, Lee Shau Kee Complex

Every Run Ever Fun

Date: 10th April – 30th April 2019
Location: Campus Area
Provide a brand new sports experience to HSUers.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Tate’s Cairn Hike

Date: 8th Jan 2019
Route : Starts at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, reach the Kowloon Peak Viewing Point and return, about 10 KM for this hiking route.

Date: 21st May 2019

Venue: Sports Hall, 2/F Lee Shau Kee Complex

Tchoukball is the fastest hand ball sport in the world today. Invented in the late 1960s, tchoukball is a team sport of 7 players that unites all key sporting skills; athleticism, concentration, respect for oneself and the opposition and teamwork.

巧固球於1969年起源瑞士,是結合手球﹑排球及壁球等運動而發展出來的,”巧固球” 這一名稱,主要是因為射網後發出”Tchouk”的聲音所以英文 為”Tchoukall” 。瑞士生物學者布蘭德博士從教育的團體遊戲觀點,創造了巧固球。以維持健康而有正當的競賽氣氛下,做不侵犯別人身體活動和禮讓的態度為宗旨,在比賽當中必需有「謙虛」﹑「禮讓」和「誠實」等君子精神,則有「君子球」之稱

Date: 10th April – 30th April 2019

Location: Campus Area

Provide a brand new sports experience to HSUers.

Date: 27th April 2019

Venue: Sports Hall, 2/F Lee Shau Kee Complex

Events: 1) Men’s Singles 2) Men’s Doubles

Date: 21st March 2019

Venue: Outdoor basketball court

Date: 17th Jan 2019

Venue: The Kowloon Cricket Club

Introduce the fundamental techniques of pétanque

1. 認識法式滾球的玩法及規則

2. 學習法式滾球的基本技巧

Date: 8th Jan 2019

Route : Starts at The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong, reach the Kowloon Peak Viewing Point and return, about 10 KM for this hiking route.

Date: 15th Nov 2018

Venue: Sports Hall (2/F Block B)

Introduce the fundamental techniques of korfball

認識合球的玩法及規則, 學習合球的基本技巧

Date: 25th Oct 2018

Venue: Multi-purpose room (1/F, Block B)

Sports massage workshop — Introduce the effect and basic techniques of sports massage


Date: 6th Oct 2018

Venue: Tai Po Tai Mei Tuk Plover Cove Reservoir

More than 50 students supported the RUN LIGHT STAND charity run on 6 October 2018 as volunteers.


Period: October

Venue: Multipurpose Room (1/F, Block B)

Bridge, is a trick-taking card game using a standard 52-card deck. In its basic format, it is played by four players in two competing partnerships, with partners sitting opposite each other around a table

橋牌是一種以技巧和運氣贏取牌磴的 紙牌遊戲。橋牌是由四個人組成兩對搭檔在方桌上進行,搭檔互相 面對面坐在桌子的兩端。 打橋牌需要運用數學、邏輯 學、心理學,並發揮人的智慧與技巧,與拍擋的純熟合作,忠實而靈活地配合各種叫牌制度。






1. 完成網上健身簡介後可否使用康文署豁下之健身室?

答案: 不可。完成簡介課程後只可使用李兆基綜合大樓的健身室。

2. 完成網上健身簡介後,會否獲得任何PA/ECA時數?

答案: 不會。







  1. 申請人必需於此網站仔細觀看及閱讀:
  • 健身室器材操作短片
  • 健身室使用者需知
  • 李兆基綜合大樓使用者守則
  1. 填妥的「安全使用健身設施同意書」及「體能活動適應能力問卷」(Microsoft Form)。
  2. 成功申請者將於7個工作天內收到電郵通知,確認成為健身室合資格使用者。
  3. 使用健身室前請到李兆基綜合大樓二樓服務台購票。



HSUHK Sports Invitation Game 2019 Schedule

HSUHK Sports Invitation Game 2019

HSUHK Sports Invitation Game 2019 Fixture Draw Result

HSUHK Sports Invitation Game 2019 Fixture Draw Result