[HSU’s Got Talent!] 演出招募 (恒大迎新日活動之一)

學生事務處現正邀請同學參與本年度「恒大迎新日」當中一個活動HSU’s Got Talent!在過千名的新生面前一展才藝,為新同學帶來正能量,以展開他們的恒大新里程,同時亦向新同學展現恒大同學多才多藝的一面。活動詳情如下,有興趣的同學請踴躍報名參加。

報名資格:所有恒大同學 (個人或團體均可報名)。


表演內容:獲選個人或團體將被邀請於恒大迎新日活動之一 “HSU’s Got Talent!” 於College Hall向過千名的新同學展現才藝,表演形式不限。





–  學生事務處將根據個人或團體所遞交申請中之表演之創意、可觀性及內容是否切合活動目的選出表演隊伍。個人或團體或會被邀請解說活動內容。

–  恒大有權將表演的錄像、照片及簡介之全部或部份內容以任何媒體形式展覽、出版、宣傳或作非牟利用途而毋須取得表演單位同意或繳付任何費用。

–  學生事務處將保留所有安排的最終決定權,包括演繹、更改、取消或暫停此活動的細則及條款,而不需另行通知。




查詢:Ling YUNG (電話: 3963 5006 / 電郵: plyung@hsu.edu.hk)

The Student Affairs Office is now inviting student to join “HSU’s Got Talent!”, one of the events in Student Orientation Day this year to bring positive energy to the freshmen to kick-off their HSUHK journey and showcase the talents of HSUHK students. Interested students please enroll as soon as possible.  Events details are as follows:

Eligibility: All HSUHK students (individuals or groups)

Objectives of the event: To bring positive energy to the freshmen and showcase the talents of HSUHK students.

Performance: Selected individuals or groups (Performing Units) will be invited to perform in the programme “HSU’s Got Talent!” (Event) in front of over a thousand of freshmen in College Hall.

Date of performance: Student Orientation Day on 20 August 2019 (In case of bad weather, the performance will be scheduled on 21 August.)

Duration of performance: Normally each performance including preparation time will not exceed 15 minutes.

Sponsorship: Each performing units will receive the sponsorship up to $300 on reimbursement basis upon submission of proper receipts.


– The Student Affairs Office will review the proposals submitted to select attractive performances which is line with the objectives of the event. Individuals or groups may be invited to present the performance content.

 – The Student Affairs Office has the right to display the video content, photos and synopsis of the full of part of performance in any form of media for demonstration, publication, exhibition, promotion or any non-commercial activities without any need for prior consent of or payment of fees to the performing units.

 – Performing units are to abide by the Student Affairs Office’s decision on all matters relating to the event, which shall be final. This includes the right to interpret, amend, cancel or suspend the terms and conditions and other arrangements of the event without prior notice.

Enrollment: https://forms.gle/U7oadRYy5uSUnGKQ8

Enrollment Deadline: 14 June 2019 (Fri)

By submitting the enrollment form, each performing unit agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions.

Enquiry: Ling YUNG (Tel: 3963 5006 / Email: plyung@hsu.edu.hk )