HSUHK Bursary Scheme
Apart from the Government financial assistance schemes, the University offers HSUHK Bursary Scheme to assist full-time local students with financial difficulties. This scheme is a supplement to the Government financial assistance schemes and is allocated to students on the basis of their financial needs.
Students with financial needs can apply for the HSUHK Bursary Scheme annually, subject to the availability of funds. Exact opening and closing dates subject to the timeline of the government financial assistance schemes and would be announced to students via eCampus and HSUHK email. Students have to submit a completed application form with the personal statement and supporting documents through the SFR-APP by the designated deadline set by the SAO. The interview may be arranged, as appropriate.
Eligibility and Criteria
- Full-time undergraduate local non-first year students in the academic year 2024/25;
- Students have proven financial needs and received financial assistance under the Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP) (according to the level of financial assistance of the Tuition Fee Grant) as granted by the Student Finance Office of the HKSAR Government in the academic year 2024/25;
- Priority will be given to students from family currently supported by the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme, or students who have not received other financial assistance from the University in the same academic year;
- Students with special needs, under extenuating circumstances, would be considered on a case-by-case basis; and
- With Year GPA of 2.0 or above in the academic year 2023/24.
List of Sponsors (Subject to change)
- C H Chan Scholarship Fund
- Hui Hoy & Chow Sin Lan Charity Fund Limited
- Martin Ka Shing Lee Student Financial Aid Scheme
- The Incorporated Trustees of Hsin Chong K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund
- The Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
- Application Period: 1 Nov to 17 Nov 2024
- Eligible students may refer to the Bursary Regulation for more information and submit application through the SFR-APP by the designated deadline.

Important Notes
- Read the Guiding Principles for Scholarship Award and Financial Assistance Schemes thoroughly before proceeding to the application platform (SFR-APP).
- Disbursement method: Autopay (via personal bank account). Awardees need to provide personal bank account information through eCampus. Guideline of uploading personal bank account information: click here
- Format of supporting documents: jpg, jpeg, pdf
- Size of supporting documents: Max. 5 MB per file
Scholarship and Student Finance Unit
Student Affairs Office
Email: sfr@hsu.edu.hk
Phone: 3963 5560
Office: M603, 6/F, M Building, Yuen Campus, HSUHK