VolTrekkers Training Scheme 2021-22 (Elderly Service)

VolTrekkers Training Scheme 2021-2022
(Topic 2: Elderly Service)

Topic 2: 樂齡服務 Elderly Service




  • 了解不同身體狀況及居住環境長者的生活現況;
  • 了解本港安老政策,並探討其能否有效達致可持續發展目標;
  • 認識本地長者服務社福機構及並與服務使用者接觸

The elderly population (aged 65 and over) in Hong Kong is reaching 20% of the total population. It is projected that, the proportion of elderly people will increase to over 30% of the total population in the coming 20 years. Are the living of elderly people and the related government policies really means nothing to you?

One of the focused areas of this year’s VolTrekkers Service-learning Scheme is elderly service. Throughout the programme, you will be provided with various experiential-learning opportunities and have to engage into different training workshops, as well as the planning and execution of community service project. Not only provide you with opportunities to come into close contact with the service target and to reflect on the elderly policies in Hong Kong, the programme could also help you to better understand yourself and strength your organization and communication skills.

Scheme Highlights


  • 啟發同學思考如何運用學科知識及個人能力回饋社會;
  • 透過構思、策劃及實踐服務計劃,提升同學的組織、溝通及領導能力;
  • 建立學生互助互愛及團隊合作精神


  • 學生主導:同學參與服務的構思、設計、機構聯絡及組織等工作,實踐服務計劃。
  • 專題研習:對特定議題進行研究及服務檢討,向弱勢社群送上關懷。
  •  多元化體驗學習活動,包括:長者模擬體驗、軟餐工作坊、認識樂齡科技等等


  • 年級不限
  • 主動積極
  • 對社會服務有熱誠
  • 良好組織能力

15人 (每主題)

Scheme Objectives

  • To inspire students to utilize their academic knowledge and skills to serve the community;
  • To strength students’ organization, communication and leadership skills by involving in the design, planning and execution of service plan;
  • To foster collaboration and cultivate supportive and friendly atmosphere among students

Scheme Features

  • Student-led Services: Students leading the project planning, liaison with external parties, service organisation and implementation.
  • Project-based Learning: Investigating specific social problem and serving the underprivileged.
  • Experiential-learning Activities: elderly simulation experience, soft meal workshop, get to know about gerontechnology, etc.


  • All years are welcome
  • Proactive
  • Enthusiastic in serving the community
  • Strong organisational skills

15 (Each topic)

Highlights of Past Scheme


VolTrekkers Service-learning Training Scheme 2020-2021 sponsored by the Hong Kong Shun Lung Yan Chak Foundation Limited was completed with success in August 2021!

詳情 More details


Student Affairs Office (Student Development & Campus Life)

Email: sdcl.sao@hsu.edu.hk

Tel: 3963 5560

VolTrekkers Training Scheme 2021-2022 (Food Waste)


減少廚餘問題是聯合國可持續發展目標的其中之一,可見廚餘處理對全球長遠發展的具深切影響。本年度「『順龍仁澤學義同行』服務學習培訓計劃」目標讓同學經歷「培訓」、「體驗學習及規劃服務」與「實踐服務」三個階段,從而了解香港的廚餘問題, 並實踐所學, 籌備及實踐服務。過程中, 同學將參與個人性格特質、團隊合作、義工服務策劃和實踐、以及思考設計的培訓工作坊,了解自己的個人特質, 從而擬訂發展方向。透過與組員一同實踐為期一星期的服務, 參加者可藉此鍛鍊個人組織及溝通能力。

The 3,000 tones food waste produced every day constitutes more than one-third of the solid waste in Hong Kong. It is predicted that Hong Kong will run out of landfills if we keep dumping food this way in a few years’ time. It seems impossible to reverse the situation overnight. But does it mean there’s nothing we can do to alleviate the problem?

To echo with SDG12 of the United Nation – Responsible Consumption and Production, VolTrekkers will work towards reducing and recycling food waste. By joining this program, you will be provided with various training workshops, experiential-learning opportunities. You will learn the cause and impact of food waste problem. You will work as a team to plan and implement a service project about reducing food waste and educate the people around you about food waste problem. What’s more? You will be able to develop your organising skills and communication skills.


Scheme Highlights


  • 透過工作坊, 體驗及了解香港的廚餘情況.
  • 探討本港政策,了解從食肆及家居方面可如何配合以達至可持續發展
  • 於恒大及社區推廣減少廚餘及廚餘回收


  • 學生主導:同學參與服務的構思、設計、機構聯絡及組織等工作,實踐服務計劃。
  • 專題研習:對廚餘問題進行研究及服務檢討。
  •  多元化體驗學習活動,包括:廚餘再生工作坊, 導賞團, 認識香港廚餘政策等


  • 年級不限
  • 主動積極
  • 對社會服務有熱誠
  • 良好組織能力

15人 (每主題)

Scheme Objectives

  • Developing an understanding of food waste issue of HK through workshops.
  • Understanding how catering business and household can contribute to food waste reduction.
  • Promoting food waste reduction and recycling in HSUHK and the neighbourhood.

Scheme Features

  • Student-led Services: Students leading the project planning, liaison with external parties, service organisation and implementation.
  • Project-based Learning: Investigating food waste problem and initiating relevant service
  • Experiential-learning Activities: Food Waste Upcycling Workshops, Guided Tours, Policy Studies and etc


  • All years are welcome
  • Proactive
  • Enthusiastic in serving the community
  • Strong organisational skills

15 (Each topic)


Student Affairs Office (Student Development & Campus Life)

Email: sdcl.sao@hsu.edu.hk

Tel: 3963 5560

ICAC Ambassadors – Activities

ICAC Ambassadors - Activities

校園誠信網上推廣活動 Online Promotion of integrity

Despite the suspension of face-to-face learning on campus, HSUHK ICAC Ambassadors has endeavoured to organize an online promotion of integrity via social media. They have designed a series of illustrations to lively introduce some examples of misconduct which will deliberately violate the good practice of probity and integrity on campus. 


HSMC ICAC Ambassadors launched their first integrity promotion project from 6 to 9 February 2018. A light painting and origami activity was held to tie in with the Valentine’s Day celebration. participants were encouraged to create a unique light painting as a gift, and write down their promises to their family, friends or partners in the ‘I pledge’ campaign. In April, ICAC Ambassadors will organise more activities to promote personal integrity, staff and students are welcome to participate and sustain the probity culture in HSMC.


HSMC ICAC Ambassadors organised another integrity promotion activity from 16 to 18 April 2018. Inspired by the TV series ‘ICAC Investigators’, the Ambassadors designed a ‘Promise Card’ for HSMC-er and turned into a card sticker DIY activity.

Students are invited to take a ‘passport photo’ and write down their promises on the design, creating a unique sticker for the octopus card. To further promote integtrity in campus, the Ambassadors created photo-taking props with promises related to university life, reminding students to uphold the core value of probity.

All for Integrity - Youth Integrity Fest

ICAC Ambassadors participated in the ‘All for Integrity Youth Fest’ on 17 June 2018. Ambassadors brought their DIY activity to JCCAC, visitors are invited to take a photo and write down their promises on a ‘HSMC x ICAC Promise Card’, which was designed by the Ambassadors. The activity attracted around 200 people visiting the booth.

CUHK Jockey Club Children Eye Care Programme

CUHK Jockey Club Children Eye Care Programme

CUHK Jockey Club Children Eye Care Programme, formly known as the ‘Hong Kong Children Eye Screening Programme’, was started by the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, CUHK, in March 2015. With the aim to improve children eye care in Hong Kong, the programme provides free and comprehensive eye examinations to children aged 6 to 8 and their families. Educational talks are also held to raise public awareness on children eye health / problems, which are often unnoticed and may develop into irreversible consequences that harm vision.

With the support from Hong Kong Jockey Club, the programme continued in January 2018, offering free and comprehensive eye examinations to children on every Saturday and Sunday. For more information of the programme, you may visit the programme website and Facebook Page.

Volunteer Services

Starting from January 2018, HSUHK students have been working as volunteers at the Hong Kong Eye Hospital. Volunteers will provide support to the daily operation of the programme on the service day. Major duties of the volunteers are:-

  • to act as the volunteer leader, leading a small team of secondary school students to perform the duties;
  • to take care of the children during the eye examinations;
  • to assist parents to complete the questionnaire; and
  • to answer basic enquiries and provide logistic support.

This programme is a year-long volunteer service. By signing up as volunteers, students are required to complete at least 6 service sessions. Students are encouraged to participate regularly in the service after completion of the basic service requirements. As of May 2018, 26 students completed at least 6 service sessions, contributing over 600 service hours in total.

Service Information

Date: from 8 February 2020 (every Sat & Sun)*


  1. AM Session: 9:00am – 1:00pm
  2. PM Session: 2:00pm – 6:00pm

Venue: Hong Kong Eye Hospital

*subject to change depending on the updates of the organiser.

Join the Programme


Student Development & Campus Life Team

Email: sdcl.sao@hsu.edu.hk

Tel.: 3963 5560

Volunteer Services

Volunteer Services

“No Food Waste” Campaign

Collaborating with Food Grace (食德好), the HSUHK Volunteer Team launched the “No Food Waste” Campaign from March to June 2021. The program aims to enhance students’ understanding on the current situation of food waste in Hong Kong, promote the concept of food-waste reduction and encourage a food-saving lifestyle in the HSUHK community. A series of activities, including Food Collection and redistribution, Low-Carbon & Nutritious Diet Workshop, soup making and delivery and Workshop on Handmade Fruit Peel Fragrance were held.

心意卡行動 Action to Make a Card

The HSUHK Volunteer Team co-organised the ‘Action to Make a Card’ campaign with Rehabilitation Alliance Hong Kong (RAHK) from January to April 2021, showing love and care to people with disabilities by sending them self-designed greeting cards. After taking part in the talk themed ‘The Needs and Related Support Policy for People with Disabilities’, participating students gained a better understanding of the situations of the disabled and learnt of their difficulties. They then designed beautiful greeting cards to encourage the disabled to face the challenges under the pandemic with an optimistic attitude. The campaign received overwhelming responses from more than 300 students and over 800 greeting cards were collected.

停課不停學!小學生網上學習服務 Stay Learning! Online Tutorial Class for Primary Students

The COVID-19 pandemic has neither stopped students’ eagerness to serve and learn nor the HSUHK Volunteer Team from contributing to society. Our Volunteer Team has partnered with the ELCHK North District Integrated Youth Service Centre to provide tutorial support to primary students during the suspension of their face-to-face classes. There are 100 HSUHK students participating in the programme in which they have been engaged in teaching material preparations, video making and hosting online classes. A series of interesting online tutorials have been produced since March 2020 to support primary students to learn at home. 

One of the volunteer tutors Kenneth Leung, a Year 2 student of the BA-ENG programme, shared his experience, “We offered lively and vivid online classes to inspire students and let them learn more about themselves. I am grateful to have this opportunity to serve as a tutor,  which reminds me of the nature of education.” During this challenging period, the HSUHK Volunteer Team and the fellow students stand united to support our society with the spirit of mutual care.

恒義「送暖行動」: 禮物大募集 x 探訪露宿者

After the Chinese New Year Holiday, the Student Organising Committee launched a caring project in campus to solicit donations from HSMC-ers. Despite the tight schedule, the project received strong support from staff and students. On 23rd February, committee members brought all the donations to Society for Community Organization (SoCO) at Sham Shui Po. Community Organizer of SoCO, Mr NG Wai Tung, introduced the situation of street sleepers in the district, then led the team to visit the homeless and distributed the gift bags at Tung Chau Street Park and its vicinity.

恒義x龍耳「We Are Hear 聲聲相惜」義工訓練及服務

Working in collaboration with ‘Silence’ (龍耳) – an organisation supporting hearing-impaired persons, HSMC Volunteer Team Student Organising Committee organised a volunteer training and service on 14 and 21 April 2018. Miss Pun, social worker from ‘Silence’, explained the difficulties and frustration faced by the hearing-imparied, plus tips for effective communication. Students also learned from a ‘Silence’ member, who suffers from hearing loss, his personal experience and some basic sign language. On the service day, students put knowledge and skills into practice, having an enjoyable afternoon with the hearing-impaired and their family.

HSMC x AU Service-learning Trip 2015/16

Service-learning Trip 2015/16

Asia University Exchange Programme

