「九巴大專優惠站 」 提供 $2 車費回贈 “KMB Fare Saver” Offers $2 Fare Rebate


「九巴大專優惠站  提供 $2 車費回贈

九龍巴士(一九三三)有限公司(九巴)首次於大專院校設置「九巴大專優惠站」,使用成人和學生八達通的九巴乘客(持有「殘疾人士」個人八達通除外),只需於乘車後的三小時內,在設置於院校的「優惠站」拍卡,即可獲 2元車費回贈車費回贈。本校成為首階段設置「優惠站」五所院校之一,於二零一八年十二月十七日(星期一)正式啟用,計劃試行一年。





Dear Students and Staff members,

“KMB Fare Saver” Offers $2 Fare Rebate

The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited (“KMB”) is introducing the “KMB Fare Saver” Scheme, which is effective from 17 December 2018, for a trial period of one year. Adult and Student Octopus card holders (Except holders of Personalised Adult Octopus Card with “Persons with Disabilities Status”) who swipe their Octopus card at a designated Fare Saver kiosk on HSUHK campus within three hours of taking a bus trip will enjoy a $2 fare rebate.

The “KMB Fare Saver” kiosk is located at Covered Area under the College Hall (see attached photos)

For Enquiry, please refer to the latest news of KMB website here for more information.

Student Affairs Office