Special Arrangement of SAO Counter Service at M603

Dear colleagues and students, Following the latest announcement of the University, limited services will be provided…

Collection of Awards and Co-curricular Achievements Transcript (ACT) 2020

Awards and Co-curricular Achievements Transcript for Graduates of Class of 2020 The Awards and Co-curricular Achievements…

MTR Student Travel Scheme 2020/2021 港鐵學生乘車優惠計劃 2020/2021

港鐵學生乘車優惠計劃 2020/2021 如同學於2020年10月31日有效期屆滿時仍未延續八達通上的「學生身分」,則使用該個人八達通乘搭港鐵時,須繳付成人車資。 同學可到網站下載或到表港鐵站索取申請。 同學須登入eCampus的MTR E-Student Identitiy Ceritificate,自行下載電子學生身分證明文件,同學毋須回校蓋校印。 最後同學把從eCampus下載的電子學生身分證明文件連同填妥的申請表遞交至任何港鐵客務中心^。 啟動/延續個人八達通上的「學生身分」 請根據以下時間親臨任何港鐵客務中心^ 啟動/延續八達通上的「學生身分」 遞交申請表日期 啟動/延續「學生身分」日期 2020年9月1日至2020年9月20日 2020年10月1日起…

Collection of Awards and Co-curricular Achievements Transcript (ACT) 2019

Awards and Co-curricular Achievements Transcript for Graduates of Class of 2019 The Awards and Co-curricular Achievements…

Application of MTR Student Travel Scheme 2019/20

The MTR Corporation will continue to offer MTR concessionary fares to HSUHK full-time students in the…

Call for Application: Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students (SSE) 2018/19 (Final Round)

Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students (SSE) 2018/19 (Final Round) The Final Round application for Subsidy on Exchange…