另外,國立台灣師範大學體育系亦指出運動教育學是一門從教育觀點出發,探討有關運動的教育理論與實踐。就語意上而言,「運動」泛指人類文化中有價值之身體動作、活動和遊戲,而「教育學」一字源自希臘文παιδαγωγία (paidagōgia),” país”意指「兒童」,”agōgia”則意味著「引導」。整體來看,體育是對成長中的個體發展產生影響,進而提升人類生命品質的一門學問。
不論古今中外,皆認為體育不單令人強身健體 (education of physical),也強調透過體育運動能建立正面之價值觀和積極的態度 (education through physical)。因此,本校不但提供設施讓學生使用,更視體育運動是整體教育之一部份,故對使用者參與體育活動有一定要求。
正如前文所述,參與體育運動亦是其中一種學習過程,從中可學會如何建立正面之價值觀和積極的態度。因此,我們希望參與者可尊重此學習過程,而穿著正確服飾體現了對體育運動的尊重。就如同學求職面試時會穿著整齊西服,畢業時須穿著畢業袍,我們對參與正式體育運動的同學所穿的服飾亦有一定要求如在英國全英草地網球和槌球俱樂部 (All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club),即大家熟悉之溫布頓球會便列明參與網球的會員必需穿著全白色之網球服。而參與高爾夫球亦有服飾限制,不符合有關規定之高球服飾將不被容許進行運動。如要進一步瞭解體育服飾之要求,可翻閱各項運動其正式規則。
- 頭後部及下頜;
- 頸背和肩;
- 胸部、腰背和臀;
- 髖部或大腿前部;
- 右腳、右手及左腳、左手
- 鞋
- 上衫及褲子
A workman must sharpen his tools if he wants to do his job well. This also applies to sports activities. If you wish to take part in sports safely and productively, it is important to wear appropriate sports clothing. Not only can it ensure safety, but it is also a respect to sports.
What do we mean by “sports”?
Sports is one of the five dimensions of education. According to the Hong Kong Education Bureau, sports means “education through the physical”. Sports help students brush up on different motor skills, promote understanding of various activities and their safety knowledge, and eventually develop a healthy living style. Sports emphasizes the establishment of positive values and attitudes. It also helps boost many important traits and skills abilities, including self-confidence, cooperation, communication, creativity, critical thinking, and aesthetics. As Physical Education plays a significant role in both learning and life, the Education Bureau has made it compulsory that Physical Education is included in primary and secondary schools for 5-8% of the total lesson time.
According to the Department of Physical Education at National Taiwan Normal University, Sport Pedagogy examines how education is carried out in sports and respective theories “Sports” generally refers to meaningful body movements, activities, and games in human culture. “Pedagogy” originated from the Greek word, παιδαγωγία (paidagōgia). “País” means children, while “agōgia” means “leading”. As a whole, Physical Education gives a positive effect on the growing up of human and eventually improve their quality of life, the quality of life can be improved.
At all times and in all countries, people believe that physical education is not only the education of physical, but also the establishment of positive values and attitudes. Therefore, the college does not only provide facilities for students but also sees physical activities as part of education. Based on this belief, we have certain requirements for students when they take part in physical activities.
Who can join physical activities?
There is a certain danger in sports but through modern sciences, many can benefit from taking part in sports activities. If you wish to improve your body functions, establish positive values and attitudes, and are willing to follow simple rules and principles, you are suitable to participate in physical activities.
Why is it compulsory to wear sports attire?
Not only can suitable sportswear ensure the safety of users and people around, but you will be also more comfortable when doing work out. When you are exercising, the breathing rate will be elevated, the blood circulation will be increased, and the body temperature will be raised. Vasodilation on the skin’s surface will help lower the body temperature. Nowadays, sports attire is marked with moisture permeability to help ventilation. This kind of clothing can speed up the perspiration process and maintain the body temperature so that overheating can be prevented.
Moreover, the speed and range of body movements during exercise are higher than in daily life. Because of that, the design of sports attire is usually light and tensile.
Apart from feeling comfortable, wearing sports attire gives you greater freedom of movement, and you will not get hurt easily. Most sports attire does not have large pockets or prominent accessories. Before exercising, the pockets should be cleared to prevent injuries caused by hard objects’ hinder and restrictions. Therefore, wearing trousers with a leather belt or less stretchable is not suitable for exercising.
We hope that participants show respect towards the above sportswear requirements. It is just like the cases where students dress in business attire at job interviews and wear graduation gowns at graduation ceremonies. We have particular requirements towards the participants taking part in formal physical activities. For example, the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, which is also known as Wimbledon, states that it is a must for members playing tennis to wear all-white outfits. There are also some limitations towards golf players. Those who do not follow the dressing rules, they will not be allowed for playing golf. For further information, please visit the standard rules for each physical activity.
Why do I have to wear sports attire from head to toe when I just have to use my arms to lift dumbbells?
Although the focus of biceps training is only on the upper arms, blood circulation and heat radiation occur in every part of the body. According to the fitness instructions by NSCA, the safest way to do weight training is to ensure the posture of five contact points:
- The back of the head;
- The lower jaw, nape and shoulder;
- Chest, lumbar and back;
- Hip or front thigh;
- Right leg, right hand and left leg, left hand.
How do I know if what I’m wearing is suitable sports attire?
Different styles and materials of sports attire are available. There might be a big difference between mountaineering and gymnastics, but some sports have certain shared rules if students are only playing ball games like basketball, badminton, and tennis at the sports and amenities centres.
- Shoes
As the activities take part in indoor places, students should wear shoes that suit the indoor floor. They have to be non-marking, ankle protectable and toes not exposed. The middle insole should be supportive, shock absorbed and able to keep feet in place with suitable tightness.
- Clothes and Trousers
As this kind of physical activity involves a large movement of the four limbs, the materials of clothes should be soft, ventilated and flexible. There is a broad range of prices students can choose from. Moreover, the clothes should not have any accessories that hinder movement or blood circulation. This is also why most sports attire contains elastic waistbands or drawstrings instead of leather belts. The sports attire students used to wear in PE lesions in secondary schools can be one of the suitable attire.
Jeans, cords, thick clothing or suit trousers or dresses, shirts and those who are not flexible are not suitable. They may have restrictions on the range of movement. Sandals and flip-flops cannot fully protect feet. The bottom of engineering shoes and hiking shoes are too hard that ankle movement is restricted. They are not suitable and may cause damage to the facility.
Last, respecting physical activities is also the presentation of sportsmanship. Modern sportsmanship emphasizes a fair environment, respecting yourself and competitors and doing your best for good results. People should be well-prepared whenever they take part in physical activities including taking enough rest, doing suitable warm-up exercises, using appropriate equipment, and wearing proper clothes. Students should use the right ways in the right places to take part in the activities. Otherwise, it will affect the safety of themselves and the players as well as the activity happening. Let’s say – some runners ignore the safety of other runners and take selfies during marathons. Some might suggest their behaviour disrespects the event.
Moreover, not only joining physical activities without preparing proper sports attire may injure yourself or others, but it also violates the rules and regulations. Therefore, we suggest that every user has to wear suitable sports attire.
We hope that staff and students at HSUHK enjoy the process of joining sports activities. But at the same time, respect should be shown to ensure the safety of yourself and others. If you have any inquiries regarding sports attire, please feel free to contact SAO PE Section staff.