Pilot Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (MES)

Non-means-tested Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-Secondary Students (Non-means-tested MES)

Starting from the 2019/20 academic year, the Education Bureau (EDB) introduces a new scheme, namely the Scheme for Non-means-tested Mainland Experience Scheme for Post-secondary Students (Non-means-tested MES), which provides a non-means-tested subsidy funding for both local and non-local students who enrolled in eligible programmes to participate in outbound exchange activities comprising substantive teaching and learning elements to be held in the Mainland.


Both local and non-local, who are enrolled in full-time self-financing locally-accredited post-secondary programmes, are eligible to apply Non-means-tested MES during their studies. Participation of students is voluntary and priority should be given to those who have not received any subsidy under scholarship/sponsorship/subsidy schemes wholly or partly funded by the Government.

Subsidy Amount

Each participating student can be subsidised up to HK$14,400 for participating in programmes. Each student will be able to receive subsidy under the Non-means-tested MES once only.

Fact Sheet for Non-means-tested MES Overview (Updated on 12 April 2022)


Student Finance and Resources Team

Student Affairs Office

Email: sfr@hsu.edu.hk

Phone: +852 3963 5560

Office: M603, 6/F, Block M

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Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students (SSE)

Scheme for Subsidy on Exchange for Post-secondary Students (SSE)

Starting from the 2014-15 financial year, the Government provides annual funding for post-secondary institutions offering full-time locally-accredited undergraduate (including top-up) programmes to subsidise financially needy students of such programmes to participate in exchange activities. Means-tested grant will be provided for financially needy students to participate in the eligible exchange activities.


  1. HSUHK local students who enrolled in full-time locally-accredited undergraduate programmes at the time of application and throughout the duration of the subsidised exchange activity;
  2. HSUHK local students who in receipt of means-tested student financial assistance from Student Finance Office (SFO) of the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency or whose families are in receipt of the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA); and
  3. HSUHK local students who have ability to complete the outbound exchange activity comprising substantive teaching and learning elements, lasting for at least two weeks, and organised and/or endorsed by HSUHK.

Subsidy Amount

Successful applicant can be subsidised from HK$9,000 to HK$60,000 for participating in programmes (Subject to Destination and Duration of the exchange activity). Each student will only be eligible for assistance under the SSE once throughout their study in programme(s) at the same level of study in Hong Kong.

Fact Sheet for SSE Overview (Updated on 12 April 2022)


Student Finance and Resources Team

Student Affairs Office

Email: sfr@hsu.edu.hk

Phone: +852 3963 5560

Office: M603, 6/F, Block M

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Financial Assistance

Government Financial Assistance Scheme

(For Full-time Undergraduate Local Students Only)

HSUHK Financial Assistance

(For Full-time Undergraduate Local Students Only)

Name of BursaryApplication Period
HSUHK Entrance Bursary Scheme26 Aug to 3 Oct 2024
LUA Foundation Bursary26 Aug to 3 Oct 2024
HSUHK Bursary Scheme1 – 17 Nov 2024
Ms Dora Chan Bursary1 – 24 Nov 2024 (extended)
Tin Ka Ping Entrance Bursary1 – 24 Nov 2024
Tin Ka Ping Bursary1 – 24 Nov 2024
The Tung Foundation Residential College Bursary6 Jan – 5 Feb 2025
HSUHK Emergency GrantAny time throughout the year

Important Notes

  • Read the Guiding Principles for Scholarship Award and Financial Assistance Schemes thoroughly before proceeding to the application platform (SFR-APP).
  • Disbursement method: Autopay (via personal bank account). Awardees need to provide personal bank account information through eCampus. Guideline of uploading personal bank account information: click here
  • Format of supporting documents: jpg, jpeg, pdf
  • Size of supporting documents: Max. 5 MB per file

Application Platform


External Financial Assistance

Government Financial Assistance Scheme (FASP/NLSPS)

Government Financial Assistance Scheme (FASP/NLSPS)

(For Full-time Local Undergraduate Students Only)

The Student Finance Office (SFO) under the Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency (WFSFAA) of the Hong Kong SAR Government provides two financial assistance schemes, namely Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary students (FASP) and Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS), to our local needy full-time students in the academic year 2024/25.

Financial Assistance Scheme Post-secondary Student (FASP) 專上學生資助計劃 [Means-tested] 

FASP provides tuition fees grant, academic expenses grant and living expenses loan to students. Successful FASP applicants may also be granted for the Student Travel Subsidy, Hostel Subsidy and Additional academic expenses grant for students with special educational needs.

Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS) 專上學生免入息審查貸款計劃 [Non-means-tested]

NLSPS provides loans to students to settle the annual tuition fee.

Application Method

Step 1:
All students are required to apply FASP/NLSPS via the E-submission Platform “SFO E-link”, no hardcopy of application form would be accepted.  Student may apply both FASP and NLSPS in the same academic year.

Step 2:
After completing the online application, students shall submit the duly signed declaration (for paper signing) and supporting documents required by the government’s SFO through uploading to the SFO E-link / by mail / by hand within seven calendar days from the date of submission of your application.

(If you submit your documents by mail, please ensure sufficient postage is paid and provide a return address on the back of the envelope.  Otherwise your mail may not be delivered to the SFO.)


  1. Students who applied for the above schemes in the 2023/24 Academic Year and wish to receive financial assistance in the 2024/25 Academic Year (the upcoming academic year), have to apply for it again.
  2. For maintenance of the platform for e-submission of FASP / NLSPS applications and revision of the e-forms for 2025/26, the e-platform for FASP/NLSPS applications will be closed on 17 January 2025.
  3. Applicants are advised to submit their online applications as soon as practicable.

Application Deadlines (2024/25)

For HSUHK Current Students: 21 June 2024 (Fri)

For HSUHK New Students:

  • First Semester Intake- 27 September 2024 (Fri)
  • Second Semester Intake- 12 February 2025 (Wed)

Late applications beyond 17 January 2025 would only be processed for circumstances that are beyond the control of individual applicants, for instance, commencement dates of their study programmes fall after 17 January 2025 or individual applicants experienced serious financial hardship as a result of drastic change in family’s financial situation in recent months. Applicants who would like to submit a late application due to such circumstances have to provide documentary proofs to substantiate their claims.  

In any case, the SFO will not accept late applications for 2024/25 after 31 March 2025.

How to Obtain Application Form after Closure of E-submission Platform

  • For FASP, late applicants should contact SFO (tel. no. 3102 3651 / 3102 3652) for obtaining application forms through email. Applicants should submit the application to Application and Hotline Unit before 31 March 2025. [Address: 12/F, One Mong Kok Road Commercial Centre, 1 Mong Kok Road, Kowloon (near Exit A2 of Mong Kok MTR Station)]

  • For NLSPS, late applicants can download the application form [NLSPS 2B(2024)] from WFSFAA website. The application form and the required documents should be submitted to SFO by mail or by using SFO drop-in boxes located on 11/F (during office hours) or in the G/F lift lobby (outside office hours) of the Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices.

In case of doubt or discrepancy between the information provided on this websites and the government’s Student Finance Office (SFO), SFO’s version shall prevail.

Application Guidelines and Procedures for HSUHK Students

(Staff/ student log-in is required)

HSUHK Programmes Covered under FASP / NLSPS

For HSUHK students, there are 2 types of Course Coding Sheet (CCS). Details are as below:

  1. Degree Programmes (學士學位課程)
    Institution Code (院校編號): CB
    Applicable for year 1 entry students (適用於由一年級開始便已就讀恒大的同學).

  2. Top-up Degree Programmes (銜接學位課程)
    Institution Code (院校編號): TM
    Applicable for year-2 or year-3 entry students (適用於由二年級或三年級入讀恒大的同學).

Level and Calculation of Financial Assistance

Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary students (FASP)

The maximum level of assistance under FASP is made up of the following components:

  1. Tuition fees (TF) grant at annual tuition fees payable subject to a ceiling;
  2. Academic expenses (AE) grant; and
  3. Living expenses (LE) loan.

The ceilings will be reviewed annually.  Updated information will be announced on SFO’s website in due course.  If you would like to have a rough idea of your level of assistance, you may try the Financial Calculators (SFO E-link> Financial Calculators) provided at the SFO’s webpage.  

Additional Financial Assistance Resources from SFO (for successful FASP applicants, if applicable):


Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS)

The maximum amount of loan under NLSPS is the annual tuition fees payable in the academic year.  Please refer to SFO’s website for more details. 


Students are advised to take note of the interest calculation and repayment arrangement of the two schemes and plan ahead.

Information on Loan Repayment:  [English version] / [Chinese version]

Useful Information

Guidance Notes

 Online Demonstration 

 Supplementary Information for FASP Applicants

Other Detailed Information


Scholarship and Student Finance Unit

Student Affairs Office
Email: sfr@hsu.edu.hk
Phone: 3963 5560
Office: M603, 6/F, M Building, Yuen Campus, HSUHK 

Student Finance Office (SFO), Working Family and Student Financial Assistance Agency, HKSAR

24-hours hotline: 2802 2345
Email: wg_sfo@wfsfaa.gov.hk

SFO Enquiry Hotlines During Office Hours

Financial Assistance Scheme for Post-secondary Students (FASP): 2152 9000
Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Post-secondary Students (NLSPS): 2150 6222