June 2022
'Social Inclusion Island' Experiential Pre and Day Camp
‘Social Inclusion Island’ Experiential Camp was a student-led programme initiated by the EM-Power, a group of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) and ethnic minority (EM) students, and University YMCA (HSUHK). This programme aimed at facilitating the interaction among students with different backgrounds and diverse needs. It also focused on promoting cultural diversity within the HSUHK community. At the pre and day camp sessions on 11 and 18 June 2022, Chinese speaking students teamed up with NCS and EM students to complete ice-breaking games, high rope adventure challenges and create collaborative art.
Tips Sharing on Supporting SEN Students: Inside vs Outside the Classrooms

In collaboration with Heep Hong Society, bilingual and hybrid seminars titled ‘Tips Sharing on Supporting SEN Students: Inside vs Outside the Classrooms’ were organized on 1 June 2022 for HSUHK staff members. An experienced registered educational psychologist was invited to provide practical and evidence-based tips and case studies on how to support students with mental illness and other special educational needs. Staff members gained a better understanding of how to facilitate students’ learning inside and outside the classroom.
April 2022
‘PEACE Beyond Circumstances’ by EM-Power @ HSUHK
EM-Power organised the second interactive online activity of the year, ‘PEACE Beyond Circumstances’, on 21 April 2022. The activity was well supported by the members of HSUHK, attracting the active participation of around 170 students, alumni and staff members from various academic and administrative units.
Mr Vivek Mahbubani, renowned local-born Indian stand-up comedian, was invited to address the concept of Diversity and Inclusion (D & I) in a light-hearted way. In the light of the high level of stress and anxiety under the pandemic, Vivek also generously shared the challenges he had encountered and how he managed to maintain a positive mindset. Despite the constraints of an online video meeting, Vivek’s humourous presentation was well received by the participants.
Following Vivek’s 75-minute stand-up comedy, our alumnus, Hamza Saghir Aslam, shared his memorable and fruitful four-year campus life at HSUHK. Although it was the first time that the two guests had met online, they appreciated and respected each other, and together they sent their words of encouragement to HSUHK members at the end of the activity.
Joint-U Webinar: The Journey Under Pandemic: Things You Might Not Know About ASD

The Heep Hong Society organizes Autism Awareness Week in the first week of April every year, aiming at raising awareness of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the wider community, and increasing the understanding and acceptance of people with ASD. The pandemic in recent years has affected not only the studies of autistic students, but also their career prospects. With consideration of the impact on the people with ASD, the Heep Hong Society hosted a joint-university webinar on 6 April namely “The Journey Under Pandemic: Things You Might Not Know About ASD” with the support of HSUHK and EdUHK by inviting an Educational Psychologist to share the social-emotional needs of autistic young people, and their challenges and strengths in career development.
March 2022
Career Exploration and Planning Workshop-Get Set for Career GO!
Two sessions of Career Exploration and Planning Workshop-Get Set for Career GO! were co-organized with the Heep Hong Society on 24 February and 31 March, aiming at enhancing students’ self-understanding, exploring the interests and gaining insight on their career development. Through a range of activities, students, particularly the undergraduate students with less working experiences, could explore their uniquenesses and personalities as well as the possible career path to realize their potential and bring the strengths into play.
Inclusion Week
The Student Affairs Office held the annual Inclusion Week from 10 to 17 March, with the theme of ‘We’re the SAME but UNIQUE’. During the Inclusion Week, an inclusion exhibition of the Hong Kong Federation of Handicapped Youth was set up, and six thematic talks and experiential workshops were held, including ‘College Assembly – HSUHK Liberal Agora: We’re the SAME but UNIQUE – DJ Sammy Leung’s Sharing on Special Educational Needs’, ‘Hong Kong Sign Language Experiential Class’, ‘Human Library- Sharing of Sightfeeling on the World of People with Visual Impairment’, ‘Twist a Future: Balloon-arts Workshop’, ‘Founder of Autistic Child Life Building Development Consultancy Limited Shares About Autism Spectrum Disorders’, and ‘BEYOND THE DREAM Online Screening and Director’s Post-screening Sharing’.
Over 1,100 students and staff members seized the opportunities to interact with guest speakers, to gain insight into the culture and life experiences of people with special educational needs.
“Learning about the film’s concept from Mr Chow made me understand that we should respect everyone and reduce prejudice.”
“My awareness of the needs of people with autism has been enhanced. I will encourage my schoolmates to make friends with them.”
“I realised how visually impaired people overcome barriers to achieve things that we find difficult.”
The above sharing of students and staff members shows how the seeds of inclusiveness have sprouted into a diverse and caring HSUHK community.
February 2022
EM-Power @ HSUHK Peer Support Scheme for Ethnic Minority (EM) Students
‘EM-Power’ is a project launched by a group of non-Chinese speaking (NCS) and ethnic minority (EM) students at HSUHK. The major goals of this student-initiated project are to connect NCS students and build up their rapport, and to promote the diverse cultures of the ethnic minorities in the HSUHK community.
With the coordination by the SEN Support of the Student Affairs Office (SAO), EM-Power organised its first online interactive activity, ‘Dream Beyond Circumstances’, on 25 February 2022. Two local-born Indian speakers, Youtuber ‘New Dellily’ and stand-up comedian Mr Vivek Mahbubani, were invited to share their success stories of overcoming racism during their primary and secondary school years, and how they explored themselves and developed their non-traditional careers in Hong Kong.
“We shouldn’t be confused about our identity. Someone can be HongKongese with Indian background. It doesn’t really matter in the end as we are all people of Earth.”
(By Student SINGH)
“The speakers shared their experiences, and they gave suggestions regarding what kind of attitude we should use to face difficult moments. It was not only inspiring, but also motivating with positive energy.”
(By Student ANJUM)
Psychological Health : Learning about Mental Disorders

The online talk ‘Psychological Health : Learning about Mental Disorders’, co-organized with New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association on 10 February 2022, aimed at enhancing students’ understanding of mental health and mental disorders such as depression, anxiety and psychosis.
December 2021
Understanding the Profile of SEN Students at HSUHK and Tips Sharing on How to Support SEN Students

The hybrid staff training on supporting students with different special educational needs (SEN) cum a briefing session on SEN student profile was held on 17 December and 20 December 2021.
Apart from presenting the profile of HSUHK students with SEN, an experienced registered educational psychologist from the Heep Hong Society was invited to share some hints and tips with case scenarios on how to facilitate SEN students’ learning at HSUHK.
October 2021
Mental Health Week

A series of interactive activities was held in the first week of October 2021, aiming at strengthening the awareness and understanding of the importance of mental health among students and staff. The flagship event of the week, “Moving Wellness” educational truck, was stationing around the campus. An exhibition was co-organized with the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups and the Companion HK. A renowned Hong Kong YouTuber, Mr Jason Chau, was invited to share his experience of proactively seeking medical advice on his ADHD.