Hearing Impairment (HI)
Type I
Helps CODAs (Children of Deaf Adults) of Hong Kong understand and acknowledge their special identity as bilingual and bicultural, learn and develop potential skills, build a self-help community, and adopt positive outlooks of life.
Website: https://www.codahk.org/
[In Chinese only]
Website: http://www.hongkongdeaf.org.hk/
Serves the deaf and hard of hearing, aiming to inspire and unleash individual talent and harness collective strength. |
Website: http://www.silence.org.hk/
Provides comprehensive and professional services of the highest standard to ensure equalization of opportunities for the hearing impaired, and to promote self-development, self-actualization and self-sufficient and integration of hearing impaired persons.
Website: https://www.deaf.org.hk/en/index.php
Physical Disability (PD)
Type I
Develops, designs and promotes the best Barrier Free Access (BFA) facilities for persons with visual impairment to improve their independent mobility in the community for equal participation.
Website: http://www.bfahk.com.hk/?lang=en
Offers professional assessment, guidance, training and family support, thereby contributing to an inclusive society.
Website: https://www.heephong.org/eng
Promotes the PHAB (stands for Physically Handicapped and Able-Bodied) concept which is to enable persons with or without special needs of all ages to participate in all kinds of social, recreational, developmental, educational, training, employment and community support service for better cooperation and integration in a barrier-free environment.
Website: https://hkphab.org.hk/en-gb/
Protects wheelchair users and their respective family members from unnecessary injuries, and enables wheelchair users in continuing and completing their daily study, work, and activities.
Website: http://www.hkwheelchair.org.hk/
Acknowledges the equal rights of people with different ability to be full members of the community by assisting them in developing their physical, mental and social capabilities to the fullest possible extent and by promoting their integration into the community.
Speech and Language Impairment (SLI)
Type I
Promotes understanding of speech therapy in the community and maintains professional standards of speech therapy services in Hong Kong.
Visual Impairment (VI)
Type I
Provides services to help maximize the capabilities of the visually impaired, facilitate their equal participation in society and improve their quality of life with a view to achieving a harmonious and inclusive society.
Website: https://www.hksb.org.hk/tc/
Promotes the spirit of self-help and mutual-help as well as striving for equality, opportunities and independence for visually impaired persons.
Website: https://www.hkbu.org.hk/
Promotes Equal Participation and Sports for all.
Website: http://www.hkbsf.org.hk/index.php?route=common/home
Ensures people with special needs to live with independence and dignity through the right choice of service dogs.
Website: https://www.guidedogs.org.hk/
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD)
Type II
Raises public awareness and promotes education on the Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) and ultimately equal educational and career development opportunities for sufferers.
Serves persons with autism and/or developmental disabilities of different age and different needs (such as those with dyslexia, ADHD ). Services provided matches with the school and home training in order to deepen the users learning experience.
Website: http://www.fuhong.org/PageInfo.aspx?md=20000&cid=322
Publishes articles about Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD).
[In Chinese only]
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Type II
Serves persons with autism and / or developmental disabilities of different age and different needs (such as those with dyslexia, ADHD ). Services provided matches with the school and home training in order to deepen the users learning experience.
Website: http://www.fuhong.org/PageInfo.aspx?md=20000&cid=322
Heep Hong Society implements different service schemes to support the young people in need, including career planning, vocational skills assessment, training and work placements to increase their employment opportunities and support their developmental needs.
[In Chinese only]
Raises public awareness and promotes education on the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).
Website: http://www.swap.org.hk/cms/
[In Chinese only]
Special Learning Difficulties (SpLD) / Dyslexia
Type II
Informs both Hong Kong educators and the general public about Special Learning Difficulties (SpLD).
Strives to help children with dyslexia to bridge the learning gap, rekindle their interest in learning, and build self-confidence through professional and evidence-based intervention programmes.
Website: https://www.pathways.org.hk/?lang=en
Mental Illnesses
Type III
Promotes public awareness and knowledge of eating disorders, particularly amongst adolescents and front-line professionals.
Website: http://www.heda-hk.org/index.php
Introduces and raise public awareness about Early Psychosis.
Promotes mental wellness for people in recovery of mental illness and for their families and the general public with the ultimate goal of equal opportunities, social inclusion, acceptance and full participation for all in the community.
Promotes psychiatry in Hong Kong and to foster the relationship with national and international psychiatric organisations. Promotes psychiatry in Hong Kong and to foster the relationship with the national and international psychiatric organization.
Website: https://www.hkcpsych.org.hk/index.php?lang=enlang=en
Provides “Mental Health First Aid” courses and enhances public awareness of mental health and helping them identify their mental status and that of others.
Mind Hong Kong are committed to improving awareness and understanding of mental health in Hong Kong.
Other Support
The e2Care Project is a new initiative of the Community Rehabilitation Network (CRN) adapting the latest information technology on community rehabilitation services. It enhances and expands CRN’s service coverage with a one-stop and barrier-free self-learning and health management platform for people with chronic health conditions, caregivers and health-conscious citizens in Hong Kong, enabling them to make their way to longstanding well-being with a managed healthy lifestyle.
Website: https://www.e2care.hk/en/
Provides professional and multi-dimensional non-medical treatments and services to people with dementia and their family caregivers. |
Website: https://www.hkada.org.hk/
[In Chinese only] 提供多元化的預防醫學及健康講座,讓大眾認識不同的病類,以及提供改善長期病患者生活質素的建議。 |
Website: http://www.regensoc.org.hk/
[In Chinese only] 旨在為輪椅、行動不便及有不同需要人士,可以隨時隨地找尋到各種無障礙資訊以及外遊路線指南。 |
Website: https://www.freeguider.com/hk/