Aptitude Test Practice

Aptitude Test Practice

Online assessments are often used as part of the recruitment exercise to test job applicants’ capabilities in performing specific tasks, including but not limited to game-based tests, logical reasoning, numerical analysis, reading comprehension, etc.


HSUHK has established a partnership with Graduates First (GF) that allows students to make use of the platform to practice various types of aptitude tests.

Graduate First (SHL-type questions)

HSUHK has established a partnership with Graduates First for practice aptitude tests.

Recommended exercises:

Numerical Reasoning, Logical Reasoning, Game Based Assessments, Video Interviews, Situational Judgement

There are also other free resources available online:

ProviderNumerical ReasoningVerbal Reasoning
SHL DirectTestTest
AssessmentDayTest 1 ; Test 2Test 1 ; Test 2
Cubiks Online AssessmentTestTest
Institute of Psychometric CoachingTestTest
Practice Aptitude TestsTestTest

Remarks: Companies may adopt varying formats and natures of questions when they set the assessment to identify suitable caliber of candidates. Please read the instructions carefully and follow them every time.