Sports Teams' Member Sharing
Sharing from Team Captains (AY22/23)

Rugby Team Captain
Chiu Tsun (BBA-FB Year 4)
Being the captain of the HSUHK Rugby Team comes with great responsibility. As the leader, I will have to lead and encourage my teammates so that we can be our best selves in the games. I have to stay calm and focused to maintain the team’s morale during the most stressful and difficult situations. At the same time, I work closely with our coach and SAO PE to ensure we can make the best decisions during the games, which contribute to the success of our team. Sometimes you win and sometimes you don’t, but the important thing is to know how and what to improve.

Swimming Team Captains
Linda Liang (BBA-FB Year 3) and Hoffman Tse (BBA-MKT Year 4)
This is my second year as a swimming team member. I am delighted to meet a group of lovely and kind team members. We always encourage and help each other. We train hard and did our best in the USFHK Aquatic Meet. We usually eat supper and chat, and I feel relaxed when I stay together with them. This year, I luckily became one of the captains. I stepped out of my comfort zone and learned a lot, which improved my abilities. Hope to meet you in the swimming team next year!
Table Tennis Team Captain
Ryan Yim (BBA-MKT Year 4)
A “captain” is expected to lead the team to victory and perform well under pressure. This year, I am being assigned to this role. It is a critical challenge to me since I have always been a teammate rather than a leader. I have to bear great responsibilities, including administrative duties and managing team dynamics. A lot of new faces have entered the team this year. At first, they find it hard to adapt to the team culture and environment. It is comparably competitive and includes intensive training programs. Fast forward to now, they have gradually fitted into the team and actively participated in every practice.

Women’s Basketball Team Captain
Cheuk Tsz Ching (BBA-HRM Year 4)
As the captain of the Women’s Basketball Team, I am responsible for supporting and motivating my team members, as well as communicating with our coach and the SAO PE. I am truly thankful for everything they have done. It is fortunate that our team has been able to resume regular training after COVID-19 We have worked hard in every competition and have designed various training programs to enhance our basketball skills, such as training camps and basketball theory classes, all in pursuit of our goals. My time with the team has become one of my most memorable experiences during my university life.

Cross-Country Team Captain
Wong Wang Ching (BSc-DSBI Year 3)
As a sports lover, I usually play basketball, run, and work out. My interest in long course running grew when I first ran the
1500-metre race in my high school athletic meet. I was a member of the Cross-Country Team since I was in Year 1 and became the captain when I was in Year 2. But my first USFHK cross-country race didn’t happen till I am in Year 3 due to the pandemic. Despite the wait, we have never stopped training. The team grew from a few members to twenty. It’s exhilarating that we can join the competition together. Our passion for running will last. We will continue to improve and run together in next year’s race.

Fencing Team Captain
Fan Tsz Chung (BA-AHCC Year 3)
During 2022/23, I started thinking about
the future of the Fencing Team and
worried about it. Old members graduated and the recruitment response was lukewarm. I have tried to hold a trial day to promote our team. Although many students joined the selection, few stayed.
However, I believe those who stayed will be the backbone and lead the Fencing team. I would like to thank our coach and all members. Together, we share happiness and honour, and anger when there is injustice. We failed, but we accepted the result, move on, and continue to train every week. I would say it is my greatest honor to serve
such a team in my life. Also, I appreciate the full support from SAO PE. They guided me well every time I tried to fulfill my duty. They gave us suggestions on designing a
trial day poster. They bought all the equipment we need for training. No doubt they are the best supporters of our team.
Football Team Captain
Sit Ho Ching (BSc-DSBI Year 3)
As the HSUHK Football Team captain in AY22/23, I feel a sense of belonging to our school. This is the first time I have ever been selected as the captain of a football team, it’s a unique experience as I have been on the team for 2 years and have never thought that this would happen. It is a terrific experience and I have learned a lot throughout the year. The most important thing that I have learned is how to be more responsible. I am grateful to the school and the coach for giving me this chance.

Badminton Team Captains
Ng Wing Lam (BBA-SCM Year 4) and Yeung Tak Hei (BA-CMCT Year 4)
This is my second year as one of the captains of the Badminton Team. It has always been my pleasure and I am quite proud to carry this title as I can represent the school and lead the team. In this past year, we have Mr. Anson Hung as our new coach. We are glad to have him as a coach as he tries his very best to sign us up for more competitions and utilises each training opportunity. Apart from badminton skills, he also gave us lots of suggestions on mental strength, which is useful for athletes,
especially during competitions. We have quite a number of energetic and skilled new members joining us this year. They are eager to improve and train with a positive attitude. While we might not train the most compare to other universities, we are incredibly self-disciplined.

Squash Team Captain
Yau Tsz Hin (BBA-HRM Year 3)
I love the diversity of our team. One of my favorite aspects of being a team captain is connecting with other squash players that have developed in different ways. It’s been awesome to watch new players come into our group because they get to learn from someone who’s had a lot of experience with the game and offers guidance along the way. Being the Squash Team Captain has been very rewarding, and thank you HSUHK for providing me with such a valuable opportunity, I feel very grateful to HSUHK!
Sharing from Team Captains (AY21/22)
Fencing Team Captain
Katarina Choi (BMSIM Year 3)
As the Captain of the Fencing Team, I feel a sense of belonging to our University and my team. During COVID-19, I didn’t have much “campus life”. Instead, the University sports team painted my U-life. Not only was I given opportunities to meet new friends, but I also enhanced my problem-solving skills by tracking tasks related to the team. Thanks to every staff member from SAO PE for helping me and guiding me enthusiastically every time.

Women’s Volleyball Team Captain
Lau Hiu Wing (BBA-FB Year 3)
It’ll soon be my fourth year at HSUHK. As a member and the captain of the Volleyball Team, the long-waited USFHK competitions have been postponed or cancelled due to COVID-19. Though athletes are trained to continue to perform well under stress, we are still impacted by all the changes. Our training was intermittent as affected by the anti-pandemic measures, but we stand strong. We trained whenever possible to perfect our skills. Training aside, we bond and befriend each other, so as to be prepared for the unexpected resumption of competitions.
Men’s Volleyball Team Captain
Ray Lau (BA-CCI Year 4)
In the past couple of years, Hong Kong people suffered from COVID-19, including athletes – from the suspension of sports facilities, cancellation or postponing of sports events, to the regulation of mask-wearing when exercising outdoors. Despite being confronted with all these restrictions, we pressed forward. With the assistance of resources and support from the University and our coach, we continued to train on our physical fitness as a preparation for representing HSUHK at the upcoming USFHK competitions. We hope we would excel, we hope the pandemic will be over soon and all athletes could resume training without being restricted by anti-pandemic measures.

Swimming Team Co-Captains
Au Yeung Tsz Hin (BBA-SCM Year 3)
After joining the Swimming Team, my social circle broadened as I met members from different walks of life. Along the journey, we encourage each other, we compete against each other, and we strive to break our personal best.
Cheung Cheuk Chi (BA-AHCC Year 2)
I have been a part of the Swimming Team for 2 years and felt blessed to become one of the team captains. Despite being affected by the pandemic, we still had the opportunity to train and compete in the USFHK Aquatic Meet. It was exhilarating to see all teammates breaking out from their cocoons and going all out in the pool. I hope to train and compete with everyone again next year.
Rugby Team Captain
Thomas Ho (BSC-DSBI Year 3)
I have been the Rugby Team’s captain for 2 years. Although most competitions and events have been cancelled or postponed, it was still an incredible experience. The responsibility of a captain is not just coordinating all training, but I also need to work with different units, such as SAO PE, HKRU, the vendor of the jerseys, and many more. In addition, seeing the teammate’s smiles on their faces gave me immense motivation to organise different team-building events for them. I would like to send my appreciation to all the parties that I have worked with, particularly the former captain who selected me to be the captain as this has enriched my university life.

Women’s Basketball Team Captain
Tsui Tsz Yu (BBA Year 4)
Our teammates mostly see each other online due to the pandemic in the past year. But even if we can’t meet each other, we bonded through team-building activities, such as basketball knowledge quizzes or team games. At the same time, the essence of being a basketball team member is to persevere, and all members have improved in this aspect and do not give up easily. Members still have the potential to grow, and I hope everyone will continue to work hard, do their best, and achieve good results in all competitions!
Table Tennis Team Captain
Ho Man Nok (BBA-PA Year 3)
I didn’t think “captain” will be related to me at all the year before. To be honest, I think my other teammates are more advanced in table tennis skills and can speak more eloquently. When I was entrusted with the duty by my coach, I was incredibly confused. Though the title bears great responsibility, I still wanted to step out of my comfort zone, so I accepted the challenege.
After a year as a captain, I realised that taking care of administrative stuff for the team is only the basics. The most important role is to liaise among our coach, SAO PE and teammates, and help to deliver messages to all parties. From designing the team uniforms, passing on suggestions and solving problems for my teammates – I felt fortunate for the experience I have garnered that have strengthened my problem-solving skills.

Badminton Team Captain
Yeung Tak Hei (BA-CMCT Year 3)
In the past year of being the captain of the Badminton Team, I have gained leadership experience, which I think will help a great deal in the future. For example, as the captain, we need to gather teammates for competitions and friendly matches, I need to communicate and correspond with all the members, addressing their needs. This enhanced my communication skills too. Most importantly, I have further developed badminton skills throughout the years. Despite we trained less during COVID-19, I can still train by myself at home, which also strengthened my self-discipline.

Squash Team Captain
Choong Hon Lam (BJC Year 4)
Perhaps, this is my first and last time as the captain of the Squash Team. Yet, I have learned so much through this experience, particularly during the pandemic. I didn’t realise how complicated it was to organise competitions for sports teams until I worked with our team coach and Lo Sir. Just like working on group projects and assignments, a team captain needs to coordinate among different parties to complete tasks.
Sharing from Former Sports Teams Members

LAU Hiu Wing
BBA(Hons) in Finance and Banking
SIU Chung Hong
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)

HUI Kwai Wah Monique
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
我們的隊員許桂華由中學便開始打籃球,一打便打了十年。她中一初次接觸這項團體運動,覺得團體運動當中可以互相幫助和分擔壓力。她喜歡和隊友擁有共同的目標,有一同前進的動力,便覺得非常吸引,所以認為打籃球是一項非常熱血的運動。如果要提到最難忘的經歷,她說當然是一年一度的training camp。短短的五日四夜,大家只專注於籃球上,拋開生活其他的煩惱。由早上晨運跑步到晚上打友誼賽,無論多辛苦都會一起奮鬥的拼勁,令大家的球技和默契都急速成長。(完整文章)
HO Chun Sang
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence (BSc-DSBI)
何雋笙中三時與朋友一起參與學校欖球隊訓練,從中培養了對欖球的濃厚興趣,中五暑假時在教練的鼓勵下,參與了球會訓練並參加了青少年欖球選拔 (U19s Junior Warriors 15s squad), 在經過兩個月的訓練後,終獲邀到菲律賓參與比賽。(查看全文)

Wan Tsz Hin
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours) in Supply Chain Management (BBA-SCM)
NG Sin Yi (Cindy)
Bachelor of Business Administration (Honours)
頂著一頭清爽的短髮、手握直板的女孩,學界乒壇上為數不多,這樣的描述似乎成為了她的形容詞,提起類似的特徵就會讓人聯想到她,她叫吳倩怡。受到家人的感染,她從初小便開始接觸乒乓球,對此項運動培養濃厚的興趣,希望在學界賽事為校爭光,可是因學校缺乏女隊員,小學和中學生涯卻無緣團體的學界賽事,憑著個人比賽累積經驗,一直憧憬著團體學界賽的她,在恒大抓緊了機會,代表恒大出戰大專盃 。 (完整全文)

CHAU Kei Lam
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Data Science and Business Intelligence (BSc-DSBI)
「我就是個頗好勝的人。」– 喜歡挑戰新事物, Sam (重劍)高中時才慢慢接觸運動。
最初接觸的運動並非劍擊,而是游泳和健身。得知大學提供劍擊課,便持著好奇心去嘗試,自此便愛上了這項既特別又具挑戰性的運動。我覺得,劍擊除了看起來古典高雅,也與大部分運動的性質略有不同。比如說游泳,泳手需要與時間競賽,往往以打破個人記錄為目標;反之劍擊則是一個更有互動性的運動,除了上場後每分秒都要額外集中外,我們亦有實體對手,想擊敗對手就需要運用不同的戰術與技巧,成功感更為實在。 (完整全文)